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    主柴油机(main diesel engine)

  • [单选题]测量曲轴臂距差时,曲轴旋转一周,可依次测得臂距值为()。

  • A. L右、L上、L下、L左
    B. L上、L下、L左、L右
    C. L左、L右、L上、L下
    D. L上、L右、L下、L左

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]船上主柴油机吊缸检修时进行活塞运动部件的校正测量是为了()。
  • A. 查找故障
    B. 分析故障
    C. 了解活塞运动部件在气缸中的状态
    D. 使柴油机正常运转

  • [单选题]曲轴臂距差的符号表明曲轴()。
  • A. 受力程度
    B. 受力方向
    C. 弯曲变形方向
    D. 应力性质

  • [单选题]() usually helps to induce air movement to assist combustion.
  • A. Cylinder cover
    B. Main bearing
    C. The exhaust valve
    D. The piston movement

  • [单选题]It is important to use only pure lead and to choose a thickness of wire which is greater than the normal allowable clearance but () this amount.
  • A. not less than twice
    B. greater at least twice than
    C. not greater twice than
    D. larger three times tha

  • [单选题]The ship has a diesel engine()a supercharger.
  • A. with
    B. of
    C. on
    D. over

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/pn7yde.html
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