

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-08-09     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]实际平均吃水是指在船舶中线面上,从正浮水线沿垂直于基平面的方向量到龙骨板()的垂直距离。

A. A.上边缘(coboundary)
B. B.中心
C. C.下边缘
D. D.视具体情况而定

2. [单选题]船舶由海水水域驶入淡水水域时,船舶所受浮力()。

A. A.减少
B. B.增加
C. C.不变
D. D.变化不定

3. [单选题]当()时,船舶首尾平均吃水小于等容吃水。

A. A.尾倾且漂心在船中后
B. B.尾倾且漂心在船中前
C. C.首倾且漂心在船中前
D. D.A或C

4. [单选题]The Plimsoll mark on a vessel is used to().

A. align the vessel's tailshaft
B. determine the vessel's trim
C. determine the vessel's freeboard
D. locate the vessel's centerline

5. [单选题]Your vessel was damaged and initially assumed a significant list and trim; however,further increase has been slow. Based on this data,what should you expect?()

A. The slowing is only temporary and the vessel will probably suddenly capsize or plunge from loss of stability due to change in the waterplane area
B. The vessel can probably be saved if further flooding can be stopped
C. The vessel will continue to slowly list and/or trim due to the free surface effect and free communication effect
D. The vessel will suddenly flop to the same or greater angle of list on the other side and may capsize

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