

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-08-12     [手机版]    
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  • 768次
  • 中文简体
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1. [单选题]The distribution process value is available in all logistics. Is it correct or not? ()

A. Both
B. Yes
C. Not
D. Not clear

2. [单选题]What is the most important product-related factor the transport cost? ()

A. Linkages
B. Distances
C. Equipment
D. Time

3. [单选题]The Bill of lading signed by the shipping company is()

A. S-B/L (Sea-B/L)
B. V-B/L (Vessel-B/L)
C. Seaway Bill
D. Ocean-B/L

4. [单选题]The bill of lading signed by the shipping company is()

A. S-B/L ( sea-B/L )
B. V-B/L ( Vessel-B/L )
C. seaway bill
D. Ocean-B/L

5. [单选题]门到站的英文缩写是()。

A. Door to CFS
B. Door to CY
C. Door to Door
D. CFS to CY

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