
Many of the activities performed during the preliminary inve

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  • [单选题]Many of the activities performed during the preliminary investigation are still being conducted in(1),but in much greater depth than before. During this phase, the analyst must become fully aware of the (2) and must develop enough knowledge about the (3)and the existing systems to enable an effective solution to be proposed and implemented. Besides the(4)for process and data of current system, the deliverable from this phase also includes the(5)for the proposed system.

  • A. C

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  • [单选题]Project Quality Management processes include all the activities of the()that determine quality policies, objectives and responsibilities so that the project will satisfy theneeds for which it was undertaken.
  • A. Project
    B. project management team
    C. performingorganization
    D. customer

  • [单选题]The project()is a key input to quality planning since it documents major project deliverables, the project objectives that serve to define important stakeholder requirements,thresholds, and acceptance criteria.
  • A. work performance information
    B. scope statement
    C. changerequests
    D. process analysis

  • [单选题]Many useful tools and techniques are used in developing schedule()is a schedule network analysis technique that modifies the project schedule to account for limited resource.
  • A. PERT
    B. Resourceleveling
    C. Schedulecompression
    D. Critical chain method

  • [单选题]Changes may be requested by any stakeholder involved with the project, but changes can be authorized only by()
  • A. executive IT manager
    B. projectmanger
    C. change control board
    D. projectsponsor

  • [单选题]An activity has an early start date-of the lOth and a late start date of the 19th. The activity also has a duration of 4 days. There are no nonworkdays. From the information given, ()what can be concluded about the activity?
  • A. A

  • [单选题]An example of scope verification is ().
  • A. review the performance ofan installed software module
    B. managing changes to the project schedule
    C. decomposing the WBS to a work package level
    D. performing a benefit/cost analysis to determine if we should proceed with the project

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/pd78pe.html
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