动平衡(dynamic balance)、动力装置(power plant)、静平衡(static balance)、中国船级社(china classification society)、耗油率、小时耗油量、螺旋桨推力(propeller thrust)
A. 指针法
B. 直尺-塞尺法
C. 平轴法
D. 平轴法或平轴计算法
A. 9000
B. 6430
C. 7500
D. 7350
[单选题]某船主机有效功率为10000kW,螺旋桨收到功率为98O0kw,螺旋桨推力(propeller thrust)功率为600OkW,发电机使用功率为600kW,主机耗油率为170g/kW•h,发电机耗油率为195g/kw•h,锅炉耗油量为1.2t/d,则动力装置每小时耗油量为()kW/h。
A. 1867
B. 1187
C. 1700
D. 1020
A. <0.125S
B. (0.125~0.25)S
C. >0.25S
D. >0.30S
A. 机械加工
B. 喷涂或喷焊
C. 电弧堆焊
D. 以上均可
A. e
B. [e]
C. [e]•ω
D. e•ω
A. 动平衡/螺距
B. 静平衡/运转
C. 动平衡/运转
D. 静平衡/螺距
[单选题]A hot air start pipe indicates that there is ().
A. inefficient cooling
B. a leaking air start valve
C. a clogged drain valve
D. a leaking air bottle
[单选题]Either a low injection pressure or a leakage of piston rings is able to lead ().
A. a high exhaust temperature
B. a high smoky exhaust
C. a high output
D. a high compressio
[单选题]The crankshaft of diesel engine is supported by ().
A. tension stretch
B. tie rods
C. through bolts
D. main bearing