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    增压器(turbocharger)、动力装置(power plant)、中心线(center line)、充分利用(make full use)、动平衡试验(dynamic balance test)

  • [单选题]消除增压器振动的方法首先应是()。

  • A. 换新轴承
    B. 动平衡试验(dynamic balance test)
    C. 更换叶片
    D. 校中测量

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]下述关于机舱饱和度ks和kv的说明,哪一项是错误的()。
  • A. ks和kv大表示机舱内机械设备布置得紧凑,利用程度高
    B. ks和kv小表示机舱利用程度差
    C. ks和kv小时,机舱的通风、散热差,管理维修不方便
    D. 应保证动力装置正常工作和维修条件下,选取较大的ks和kv值

  • [单选题]要充分利用排气余热而降低废气锅炉出口温度t2,同时还应保证锅炉受热面必需的温度,该温差是()。Ⅰ.排气与给水的温度t2-tw;Ⅱ.排气与蒸汽的温度t2一ts
  • A. 仅Ⅰ对
    B. 仅Ⅱ对
    C. Ⅰ或Ⅱ对
    D. Ⅰ+Ⅱ

  • [单选题]当曲柄的Δ-=(+)值时,该曲柄的两个主轴承位置偏(),曲轴轴线呈()状态。
  • A. 右/“)”
    B. 右/“(”
    C. 左/“)”
    D. 左/“(”

  • [单选题]舵系中心线与轴系中心线应相交,其位置度偏差不得超过()m(L为船长,m)。
  • A. 0.001L1/3
    B. 0.01L1/3
    C. 0.1L1/3
    D. L1/3

  • [单选题]Which of the following statements is true concerning an oil cooler?()
  • A. The oil temperature is less than the cooling water temperature
    B. The oil pressure is less than the cooling water pressure
    C. The oil pressure is greater than the cooling water pressure
    D. The oil flow control valve is always installed in the oil input line

  • [单选题]A viscous damper, as used on a marine diesel, is a sealed precision built device which dampens the torsional vibrations in the ().
  • A. camshaft
    B. flywheel
    C. crankshaft
    D. thrust shaft

  • [单选题]When reassembling the bowl of a disk-type centrifuge, the bowl or locking ring is rotated ().
  • A. clockwise, due to the bowl rotating clockwise
    B. clockwise, due to the bowl rotating counterclockwise
    C. counterclockwise, due to the bowl rotating clockwise
    D. counterclockwise, due to the bowl rotating counterclockwise

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/p9dy54.html
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