1. [单选题]某女性患者,58岁,慢性肝炎病史40年,肝癌晚期,伴腹水、肝硬化。为其选择癌痛药物止痛治疗的基本原则不包括()
A. 口服给药
B. 按阶梯用药
C. 按需用药
D. 个体化给药
E. 注意具体细节
2. [单选题]某男性患者,65岁,食欲不振(loss of appetite)、消化不良伴慢性腹泻10余年,右下腹包块1个月,诊断为"晚期大肠癌",给予伊立替康进行化疗。关于其不良反应叙述错误的是()
A. 迟发性腹泻
B. 伪膜性肠炎
C. 中性粒细胞增加
D. 乙酰胆碱综合征
E. 胃肠道出血
3. [单选题]A customer currently has five partitioned POWER4 systems and is adding new systems. When the pSeries technical specialist introduces the first p5 system with CoD into this environment, how should the HMC be handled?()
A. Order a new HMC to support the p5 system.
B. Attach the new p5 system to the existing HMC.
C. Upgrade the existing HMC to accommodate both the POWER4 and p5 systems.
D. Do nothing. This system does not require an HMC.