必典考网发布"he area for unloading goods in warehouse is()"考试试题下载及答案,更多物流英语综合练习题库的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网物流员(四级)题库频道。
[单选题]he area for unloading goods in warehouse is()
A. receiving space
B. shipping space
C. receive area
D. collecting area
[单选题]After completing a commercial transaction, () will execute the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer in the most-effective manner.
A. Logistics
B. Supply chain
C. Virtual warehouse
D. Transportation
[单选题]The disadvantages of rail compared with motor carrier are()
A. Cost
B. Speed
C. Lost and damage ratios
D. Transit time and frequency of service
[单选题]Crude oil carriers often use ()
A. Big ships
B. Huge ships
C. Large container ships
D. Supertankers
[单选题]Ocean transport use ()ships mostly.
A. Bulk
B. Container
C. Barge
[单选题]what kind of products do the air carriers deliver? ()
A. The high value
B. Low density or weight
C. A and B
D. Shortest time to transport
[单选题]()is the volume for loading goods of the vehicle.
A. Vehicle tonnage
B. Vehicle size
C. Vehicle capacity
D. Available Vehicle capacity
[单选题]There is no difference between the environmental logistics and ()one.
A. white
B. red
C. blue
D. green
[单选题]Saving or reducing expenditure in business is()
A. save money
B. increase cost
C. cost planning
D. cost control
[单选题]()is the charge for shipping goods.
A. Bill
B. Order
C. Freight
D. Payee