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  • 【名词&注释】

    高海拔(high altitude)、目标管理(objective management)、全体学生(all students)、最近发展区(zone of proximal development)、厄尔尼诺、可操作(operationable)、方向性、实现目标(realize target)、时间段(time quantum)、一般将来时(simple future tense)

  • [单选题]班里要推选1位同学到校迎新晚会上表演。班长征询同学意见。小王说:小刘很有艺术细胞,小刘合适小白说:小张是舞林高手,小张最合适小刘说:小白唱歌非常好,小白也合适小张说:小白过奖了,小白或小刘都合适如果只有1个人的话与推选结果相符,则推选出来的同学是( )。

  • A. 小王
    B. 小张
    C. 小刘
    D. 小白

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  • [单选题]用键盘选定文本时,应按住( )键,再按方向键。
  • A. ctrl
    B. space
    C. Alt
    D. shift

  • [单选题]班主任着眼于学生最近发展区,选择一些经过努力能够达成的目标,学生在实现目标(realize target)过程中体验成功的快乐,这体现了班级日常管理的( )。
  • A. 方向性原则
    B. 可测性原则
    C. 激励性原则
    D. 约束性原则

  • [单选题] A decade ago, the idea that the planet was warming up as a result of human activity was largely theoretical. We knew that since the Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century, factories and power plants and automobiles and farms have been loading the atmosphere with heat-trapping gases, including carbon dioxide and methane (甲烷). But evidence that the climate was actually getting hotter was still murky. Not anymore. As an.authoritative report issued a few weeks ago by the United Nations-sponsored Intergovemmental Panel on Climate Change makes plain, the trend toward a warmer world has unquestionably begun. Worldwide temperatures have climbed more than 0.5℃ over the past century, and the 1990s were the hottest decade on record. After analyzing data going back at least two decades on everything from air and ocean temperatures to the spread and retreat of wildlife, the IPCC asserts that this slow but steady warming has had an impact on no fewer than 420 physical processes and animals and plant species in all countries. Glaciers, including the legendary snows of Kilimanjaro, are disappearing from mountaintops around the globe. Coral reefs are dying off as the seas get too warm for comfort. Drought is the norm in parts of Asian and Africa. El Nino (厄尔尼诺) events, which trigger devastating weather in the eastern Pacific, are more frequent. The Arctic permafrost (永久冻土带) is starting to melt. Lakes and rivers in colder climates are freezing later and thawing earlier each year. Plants and animals are shifting their ranges pole-ward and to higher altitudes, and migration patterns for animals as diverse as polar bears, butterflies and beluga whales are being disrupted.
  • What is the best title for the Passage?

  • A. Life in the Greenhouse
    B. How Does Our Planet Get Warmer?
    C. We Are Making the World Warmer
    D. Everything Is Melting

  • [单选题]She won't be available between 6 and 8,for she_______an important meeting.
  • A. has had
    B. had had
    C. would have had
    D. will be having

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