
In the suction stroke air is induced into the cylinder ()I

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    利用率(utilization ratio)、柴油机(diesel engine)、饱和度(saturation)、污染物(pollutants)、中国船级社(china classification society)

  • [单选题]In the suction stroke air is induced into the cylinder ()In the compression stroke the air is compressed.

  • A. by an fuel valve
    B. through an inlet valve
    C. with an exhaust valve
    D. from an outlet valve

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]机舱饱和度是表征机舱利用率的指标,由()来表示。
  • A. 长度饱和度
    B. 面积饱和度
    C. 容积饱和度
    D. B+C

  • [单选题]低速柴油机排放污染物中,影响废气锅炉烟垢着火的污染物是()。
  • A. HC化合物排放率
    B. 排气颗粒排放率
    C. CO排放率
    D. SOx排放率

  • [单选题]气缸盖底面在较高的()等的恶劣条件下工作。Ⅰ.交变的机械负荷;Ⅱ.热负荷;Ⅲ.燃气腐蚀阀、孔;Ⅳ.冲刷;Ⅴ.冲击。
  • A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ
    B. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅴ
    C. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ
    D. Ⅱ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]中国船级社(china classification society)要求营运船舶的曲轴臂距差为()时,应限期修理。
  • A. <0.125S
    B. (0.125~0.25)S
    C. >0.25S
    D. >0.30S

  • [单选题]如果采用()时,底脚螺栓可以不用紧配螺栓。
  • A. 活动垫块
    B. 固定垫块
    C. 楔形垫块
    D. 环氧垫块

  • [单选题]For a continuous operation diesel engine, a duplex filter unit would be the best arrangement because ().
  • A. changing filter elements would not interrupt engine operation
    B. filtering occurs twice in each pass of oil through the system
    C. clogging will not occur
    D. dropping pressure is half of that through a single filter unit

  • [单选题]When reassembling the bowl of a disk-type centrifuge, the bowl or locking ring is rotated ().
  • A. clockwise, due to the bowl rotating clockwise
    B. clockwise, due to the bowl rotating counterclockwise
    C. counterclockwise, due to the bowl rotating clockwise
    D. counterclockwise, due to the bowl rotating counterclockwise

  • [单选题]A diesel engine is operating with excessively high exhaust temperatures at all cylindersTo correct this condition, you should FIRST ().
  • A. reduce the engine load
    B. increase the cooling water flow
    C. increase the lube oil pressure
    D. adjust the fuel rack

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