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    必典考网发布" 1987版电视连续剧《红楼梦》的插曲《枉凝眉》《红豆曲》《葬花"考试试题下载及答案,更多教师资格证-初中英语的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网初中教师资格频道。

  • [单选题] 1987版电视连续剧《红楼梦》的插曲《枉凝眉》《红豆曲》《葬花吟》等,风格各异而又主题鲜明。这些作品的曲作者是

  • A. 谭盾
    B. 王立平
    C. 苏聪
    D. 徐沛东

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]团结同学、尊敬师长、关心集体是性格特征中的( )。
  • A. 态度特征
    B. 理智特征
    C. 情绪特征
    D. 意志特征

  • [单选题]"知之深,则爱之切"说明情感过程依附于( )。
  • A. 感知过程
    B. 教育过程
    C. 认识过程
    D. 注意过程

  • [多选题]班级目标管理是一种以制度建设为中心的管理,目的是更好地调动学生的积极性。( )
  • A. ×

  • [单选题]《中华人民共和国宪法》规定,我国的根本制度是
  • A. 人民民主协商制度
    B. 民主专政制度
    C. 人民代表大会制度
    D. 社会主义制度

  • [单选题]班主任对学生李丽的评语是"这段时间你开始主动回答问题,学习态度也更加认真,考试时更加有信心,因此你的学习成绩提高很多,继续加油啊"这种评语方式是( )。
  • A. 诊断性评价
    B. 形成性评价
    C. 总结性评价
    D. 全程性评价

  • [单选题]22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 2   The ritual of English tea time is believed to have originated in the late 1700's when Anna.Duchess of Bedford,ordered that a plate of cakes be sent up to her with her afternoon cup of tea.   The Duchess chronically experienced a “sinking feeling” (what we would term “low bloodsugar” ) in the late afternoon.To tide her over the long hours between meals she turned to carbohydrates.   Other royals immediately copied the Duchess,and afternoon tea parties became quitefashionable.low tables were set up in front of sofas and chairs,and the ladies found a newopportunity to show off pretty clothes,fine China.embroidered linen tablecloths and napkins,andsilver tableware.   tea time was also the time to exchange juicy gossip and serve refreshments.Soon darling littlesandwiches and sweet pastries as well as scones were being arranged on decorative stands and platesfor the ladies' pleasure.   The tea party mania quickly spread across the Atlantic where tea was already enjoyed as abeverage.This fondness for tea was later suppressed by the patriotic Americans during the eraimmediately preceding the American Revolution because of the unreasonable British tax on tea.   However,by April 27,1776,Congress announced in the Philadelphia Packet that “the drinkingof tea can now be indulged.” The custom of afternoon tea parties was not really revived in thiscountry,though,until the mid-1800's,when Victorian ways were in vogue here.leisure-class American ladies began having “kettledrums” at 4p.m.“Kettledrums” was called that in connectionwith the term “teakettle.” Petits fours and other dainty delights were served amid Victorianopulence.   A Victorian diarist,Maud Berkeley (Maud:The Illustrated Diary of a Victorian Woman,Chronicle Books,1987) gave an anecdote concerning tea time:“Mrs.Barnes had out a lovely tea-cloth for her tea-party,worked all over with cyclamens and honeysuckle.Shoggie Boucher,unusedto such dainty,contrived to slop his tea all over it.Thankful it was not I.as it was,my new featherboA.which I wore for the first time,got into my teacup,causing much alarm and merriment to all assembled.lilian Black-Barnes was,as ever,strong in adversity and wrung out the offending objectin the kitchen sink.Fear it may never be the same again,none the less.”   My family,mother,and I were able to relieve some of that sophisticated elegance (minus thedrippy boa) when we had tea at the Ritz in london.The Palm Court,an open area on the groundfioor of the hotel,is a study in turn-of-the-century decor.Gilt statuary,palms,and other plants,andstylishly-set little tables beckon welcomingly under high-up,rose-tinted skylights.   Our waiter brought us a selection of finger sandwiches of smoked salmon,ham,cucumber,Cheddar cheese,cream cheese,and chives,or egg salad.Scones (similar to American biscuits) wereoffered with butter,and various preserves and jellies.   Along with this we were served Indian or China tea.and hot chocolate for my young daughter.Then the dapper waiter presented a vast tray holding many French pastries and cakes from which wecould choose.After several teeny sandwiches and a couple ofmarmalade-coated scones,a chocolateeclair seemed to add carbohydrate overload to carboload,but“when in England,do as the English do.”   This tea feast was served between 3:30 and 5:30p.m.Around 10:00p.m.,we had regained justenough appetite to sample some fish and chips (French fries),and then we put our weary stomachsand ourselves to bed.
  • Why does the author quote Maud Berkeley in the passage?

  • A. To define the nature ofVictorian tea time.
    B. To prove that tea time is fashionable in America.
    C. To exemplify how exquisite an English tea time ritual was.
    D. To contrast the difference between English and American tea time.

  • [单选题]依据育人为本的理念,教师的下列做法中,不正确的是( )。
  • A. 培养学生特长
    B. 发展学生潜能
    C. 尊重学生个性
    D. 私拆学生信件

  • [多选题]阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。   一个小女孩的玩具车刮到了一位老人,老人坐在地上与孩子家长理论。有人录下现场视频即传至网上,不少人认为是碰瓷。老人被送医检查后,确诊桡骨骨折。事实是,老人并非碰瓷,还婉拒了女孩家人更多的赔偿和照顾。   综合上述材料所引发的思考和感悟,写一篇不少于800字的论说文。   要求:   用规范的现代汉语写作,角度自选,立意自定,标题自拟。
  • A. 【参考范文】参考范文:理性思考求善求真 在网络媒体高度发展的今天,我们经常发现这样的事情:前一天正在大家为辽宁小伙举债20万照顾植物人女友而转发点赞,接下来就发生了实为渣男家暴打伤妻子的疯狂谩骂;前一天还在对"新式碰瓷"老人疯狂声讨,接下来就发生了对宽容老人的大力吹捧;前一天大家还在为了给小女孩捐款,疯狂转发《罗一笑,你站住》,接下来就出现了对"诈捐"者的愤怒……古人云:"不知者不罪。"这显示了人们对不知者的宽容,然而在信息快速传播的今天,舆论铺天盖地,总是闹得满城风雨,"不知者不罪"又不知成了多少键盘侠的挡箭牌,以至于人们都忘了"没有调查就没有发言权"的谆谆警告。 21世纪我们缺的更多的不是国民同情心和规则意识的提高,我们缺得更多的是理性思考的头脑和求善求真的态度。多一些理性求真,少一些盲目跟风,谣言便会不攻自破,信息时代将会更加和谐。从"女大学生求职肾被割"到"艾滋病患者滴血传播艾滋病"类似案件不经证实便随手转发,从"素质低"到"漠视规则"类似标签未经查证便快速传播,很少有人在意信息是否属实,而这轻轻的一点,这随心所欲的转发,却不知伤害了多少无辜的心灵。正如韩寒所说:"网络的风暴在这片大地上肆虐,卷起了万丈残骸,留下的是一览无余的人性丑恶。" 信息时代,我们传播的是善还是恶,我们传播的是关爱的佛音,还是恶魔的催命符,这都不再简单的是一两个人的事情,而是你我他,是万千大众,是一个社会的和谐健康。所以时代的洪流里,我们要多一些理性,多一些从容,多一些求真,才不会被冲毁头脑,随波逐流,甚至成为作恶者的助手。 多一些质疑探索,少一些随意敲打,网络时代需要你的慧眼,期待你理性的善良。听键盘"哒哒"作响,敲碎了被冤枉者的心灵。网络传播的迅速使太多的人蒙蔽了双眼,失去了判断力,"定义于表象的想法未必就是事实。"董卿一言,诚不欺我。"借我借我一双慧眼吧,让我把这纷扰看得清清楚楚明明白白真真切切。"《雾里看花》的歌词道尽世间愁肠万千,亦适用于光怪陆离的信息时代。或许只是你的轻轻点击,搜索一下,或许只是你凝视片刻,思索几分,真相自会大白。 多一些质疑,多一些探索,多一些宽容,爱的阳光便会洒进阴霾,和谐之花便会开在每个角落。 多一些理性思考,少一些恶意揣测,新社会的真善美,需要信任的基础更加牢固。老人被确诊骨折,可最终也未曾向孩子家长再多索求半分。然而,回顾整个事件,为什么彼时老人被刮倒,孩子家长非但不送老人去医院,反而怀疑老人并与其理论?为什么之后此事传到网上,不少网友非但不同情老人,反而武断地认定老人实为碰瓷?究其根本是信任的缺失,如果一开始大家是抱着相信社会好人多,相信人人都是善良的的心态,那么将不存在恶意揣测对老人的中伤。网络时代,我们需要传播真善美,但这种真善美必须要建立在彼此信任基础上,否则这种传播将会是更多的伤害。在信息传播用秒计算的年代没有调查就没有发言权需要我们每个人谨记心头,因为每一条信息承担的都不仅仅是娱乐消遣,而是真善美的传播,而真善美的发现永远需要一颗理性思考的大脑.一份信任的基础。

  • [单选题]22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 2   Birds are a critical part of our ecological system.But more than ever,birds are threatened byhuman pollution and climate change.   We need the birds to eat insects,move seeds and pollen around,transfer nutrients from sea toland,clean up after the mass death of the annual Pacific salmon runs,or when a wild animal falls anywhere in a field or forest.   How could we enjoy spring without the birds fiitting busily in our garden or dropping by to check out the fiowers in our urban window box? Can you “contemplate” America without the soaring bald eagle,or even those scavengers like the pigeons and gulls that clean up discarded food scrapson our city streets and waterfronts? How diminished our lives would be without “them”?   Scavenging eagles and condors need hunters to behave responsibly and bury,or remove,theremains of any shot deer peppered with fragments of lead bullets.loons,ducks and other water birds will be poISOned by lead bullets and lead fishing sinkers if we allow such objects to drop intheir feeding space.   All sea and shore birds,even the puffins and guillemots of the otherwise pristine Aleutians,need us to make sure that no other heavy metals,like mercury and cadmium,are dumped in rivers and make their way across the oceans.   Birds like the terns,knots and shearwaters that migrate between the far north and deep,deep,south of our planet need people everywhere to cease and desist from filling in their wetland fuelstops and rest stations,and from constructing golfing resorts and factories in their feeding and breeding grounds.   Seabirds are among the most endangered vertebrate species on the planet,with the International Union for Conservation of Nature classifying 97 species as globally threatened,and 17 in thehighest category of critically threatened.Of greatest concern are the pelicans of the southern oceans and the spectacular,but slow-breeding albatross.   Plastic bags must be eliminated from natural environments so sea and shore birds don'tmistakenly carry such debris back to feed their chicks,with invariably lethal consequences.The albatross,cormorants and herons need us to stop over-fishing and compromising their normal foodsupply.   The pelicans,pengujns and all the birds that inhabit,or visit,our coastlines need us to ensurethat we do not dump oil into gulfs and bays,or release so much carbon dioxide into the atmospherethat the oceans turn acidic and we lose the mussels and oysters,the mass of calcareous plankton thatfeeds so many creatures,and the coral reefs that nurture enormous numbers of edible species.   Think about it:We share this small green planet.As they fly,feed and nest,the birds monitorthe health of the natural world for us,provided that we,in turn,make the effort to access that keyinformation.The birds and humans are both large,complex and ultimately vulnerable organisms that inhabitthe top ofthe food chain.At the end of the day,their fate will be our fate.
  • Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word“contemplate” in PARAGRAPH THREE?

  • A. live in.
    B. Think about.
    C. Arrive at.
    D. Comment on.

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