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    磨损量(wear loss)、主要因素(main factors)

  • [判断题]影响磨损的主要因素是飞灰速度,即烟气流速。理论和实践表明,管壁的磨损量同烟气流速的平方成正比。

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  • 学习资料:
  • [多选题]仓泵工作过程的四个阶段()。
  • A. 进料阶段
    B. 流化阶段
    C. 输送阶段
    D. 吹扫阶段

  • [单选题]You issued the following commands to configure setting in RMAN;Then you issued the following command to take the backup:RMAN> BACKUP DATABASE PLUS ARCHIVELOG;Which statement is true about the execution of the above command?()
  • A. The backup will terminate because the FORMAT clause was not configured for the channel
    B. It backs up two copies of data files to tape and disk, and two copies of archived log file on tape
    C. It backs up the data files and archived log files to disk, making two copies of each data file and archived log file
    D. It backs up the data files and archived log files to tape, making two copies of each data file and archived log file

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/ojjy9k.html
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