

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-04-19     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]船舶纵倾前后,重力和浮力(),浮心位置()。

A. A.大小相等;不变
B. B.大小不等;不变
C. C.大小相等;改变
D. D.大小不等;改变

2. [单选题]某轮在某装载状态下的一处水线位于水尺标志“Ⅷ”字体高度一半处,则该处的吃水为()。

A. 8.00m
B. 8.05m
C. 8英尺3英寸
D. 8英尺6英寸

3. [单选题]船舶由半淡水水域驶入淡水水域时,船舶所受浮力()。

A. 减少
B. 增加
C. 不变
D. 变化不定

4. [单选题]当()时,船舶首尾平均吃水小于等容吃水。

A. A.尾倾且漂心在船中后
B. B.尾倾且漂心在船中前
C. C.首倾且漂心在船中前
D. D.A或C

5. [单选题]将少量载荷装于船舶漂心垂线处时,则船舶()。

A. A.首尾吃水不变
B. B.吃水差不变,平行下沉
C. C.首吃水减少,尾吃水增加
D. D.首吃水增加,尾吃水减少

6. [单选题]The Plimsoll mark on a vessel is used to().

A. align the vessel's tailshaft
B. determine the vessel's trim
C. determine the vessel's freeboard
D. locate the vessel's centerline

7. [单选题]Aboard a ship,multiplying a load’s weight by the distance of the load’s center of gravity from the centerline results in the load’s().

B. transverse moment
C. righting moment
D. inclining moment

8. [单选题]As the displacement of a vessel increases,the detrimental effect of free surface().

A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains the same
D. may increase or decrease depending on the fineness of the vessel's form

9. [单选题]The point to which your vessel’s center of gravity (G) may rise and still permit the vessel to have positive stability is called the().

A. metacentric point
B. metacenter
C. metacentric radius
D. tipping center

10. [单选题]The ship has()of more than 10 meters at full load.

A. an engine
B. an overall length
C. a displacement
D. a draft

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