增压器(turbocharger)、中心线(center line)、效率高(high efficiency)、可选择(selectable)、同时发生(simultaneity)、减速比(reduction ratio)
A. 可选择减速比(reduction ratio)
B. 主机不用换向
C. 传动效率高
D. 可多机并联运行
A. A.停机检修
B. B.查明原因
C. C.降低转速
D. D.锁住转子
A. 发生偏移
B. 发生曲折
C. 同时发生(simultaneity)偏移和曲折
D. 同时发生(simultaneity)总偏移和总曲折
[单选题]After passing through the turbine the exhaust gas is conducted out into the().
A. intercooler
B. compressor
C. cylinder
D. open air
[单选题]In a () engine the charge of air in the cylinder before compression commences is above atmospheric pressure.
A. pressure charged
B. naturally aspirated
C. contaminated
D. high speed diesel
[单选题]In an ordinary four-stroke engine the exhaust valves open ()
A. after TDC
B. before TDC
C. after BDC
D. before BDC
[单选题]The sequence of parts in a generally used fuel oil supply system for a main engine is ()(1)tanks in the double bottom(2)centrifuges(3)service tank(4)settling tank(5)viscosity regulator
A. (1)-(2)-(4)-(3)-(5)
B. (1)-(4)-(2)-(3)-(5)
C. (1)-(3)-(2)-(4)-(5)
D. (1)-(5)-(4)-(2)-(3)
[单选题]Connecting rods in a diesel engine are used to connect the ().
A. engine to the bed
B. rocker arm to the camshaft
C. crankshaft to the gear train
D. piston to the crankshaft
[单选题]The longer the ignition delay period occurs in a diesel engine, the ().
A. less fuel will enter the cylinder
B. lower will be cylinder compression temperatures
C. more complete will be fuel combustion
D. more rapid will be the rise in combustion pressure