
从根本上说,教师的教育威信来自于( )。

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    生活经验(life experience)、授业解惑(teaching and problem solving)、刑满释放、有期徒刑(fixed term imprisonment)、扬长避短、中小学幼儿园、自传体三部曲、面向全体学生(facing to all students)、没有问题(no problem)、从根本上说

  • [单选题]从根本上说,教师的教育威信来自于( )。

  • A. 教师的社会地位优势
    B. 社会尊师重教的传统
    C. 学生对教师的畏惧心理
    D. 教师高尚的教育人格

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]下列作品中,不属于高尔基"自传体三部曲"的是( )。
  • A. 《童年》
    B. 《在人间》
    C. 《母亲》
    D. 《我的大学》

  • [单选题]小王、小张、小李、小顾四位舍友预测某次考试的结果。小王:我想这次大家都能过吧!小张:怎么可能?你没看见我乌云密布吗?小李:小顾肯定是没有问题(no problem)的。小顾:拜托!要是我没问题,大家就都没问题。成绩公布后,证明四人中只有一个人的说法是错误的。说法错误的是( )。
  • A. 小王
    B. 小张
    C. 小李
    D. 小顾

  • [多选题]"生活的磨难教育了我们"中的教育"指的是( )。
  • A. 正规教育
    B. 非正规教育
    C. 广义的教育
    D. 狭义的教育

  • [单选题]"大有大成,小有小成"是( )教学原则具体运用的结果。
  • A. 自觉积极性
    B. 启发性
    C. 巩固性
    D. 因材施教

  • [单选题]一个人只有在身体、心理和社会适应、道德方面都很健康,才算完全的健康。A.正确B.错误
  • A. A

  • [单选题]有人说教师是人类灵魂的工程师,这体现了教师职业( )角色。
  • A. 传道者
    B. 示范者
    C. 研究者
    D. 学者

  • [多选题]材料:   今天的语文课是一堂公开课,按平时上课的惯例,我应该依学号顺序抽一名学生进行课前"一分钟讲演"。直到上课铃响起时,我还在犹豫,今天的公开课是否取消这个"节目"。因为这次讲演正轮到魏某,而她是一个说话结结巴巴的胆小的女同学,如果她没说好,岂不是"煞"了我这堂公开课的"风景"?   但是,不容我多想,当师生互相问好以后,我正准备直接讲课时,魏某竟然举起手,并用哆嗦的声音说:"李……老师,今天……该我……讲演……"我只好让她走上讲台发表演说,内容是报告当天的新闻,她的声音照样结结巴巴,但比平时要稍微大声一些,而且看得出来,她事前是做了相当认真的准备的,仅凭这一点,我就应该鼓励她,而且相信她会受到鼓舞的。   正当我准备热情洋溢地表扬她一番时,我脑子里突然转了一个弯,何不把我个人对她的表扬变成全班同学对她的赞赏呢?于是,我有意问全班同学:"比起过去,魏某的进步大不大啊?""大!"同学们一致说。"好!那就让我们以热烈的掌声对魏某的进步表示祝贺!"教室里响起了一片掌声。来自同学们的鼓励无疑让魏某振奋,因此,以后她在课堂上主动发言的次数越来越多了。   问题:   运用职业理念的相关知识,评价材料中"我"的教育行为。(14分)
  • A. 【参考答案】 李老师的做法比较恰当,符合新课程改革背景下教师职业理念的具体要求。 首先,素质教育强调面向全体学生(facing to all students),促进教育公平。材料中,对于结结巴巴的魏同学,李老师并没有阻止她在公开课上演讲,而是给予她演讲的机会,并通过提问让全班同学鼓励她,成功完成了演讲任务,给魏同学增添了许多自信。 其次,新课改的教师观强调教师应该是学生学习和发展的促进者,要尊重和赞赏学生。在该材料中,李老师灵活处理课堂教学,发挥教育机智,把她对魏同学的表扬变为大家对魏同学的认同和鼓励,这极大地激发了魏同学的学习兴趣,增强了该同学的自信并促进了她的成长。 最后,"以人为本"的学生观强调,学生是发展的人,有不断发展的潜力。材料中,李老师没有因为魏同学口吃而放弃对她的教育,而是给她克服自己的问题的机会,给予她帮助和鼓励。 因此,作为教师,要践行新课改背景下的职业理念,要善于发挥教育机智,激发学生学习兴趣,增强学生的自信,促进学生发展。

  • [多选题]设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计25分钟的英语读写教学方案。教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:   ●teaching objectives   ●teaching contents   ●key and difficult points   ●major steps and time allocation   ●activities and justifications   教学时间:25分钟   学生概况:本班为中等城市普通学校初中二年级(八年级),班级人数45人。多数学生已具备一定的英语语言能力。学生能够积极参与课堂活动,合作意识较强。   语言素材:   How I learned to learn English?   My name is Wei Fen.last year,I did not like my English class.Every class was likea baddream.The teacher spoke too qruckly.But I was afraid to ask questions because my pronunciationwas very bad.So Ijust hid behind my textbook and never said anything.   Then one day l watched an English movie called Toy Story.I fell in love with this excitingand funny movie! So then l began to watch other English movies as well.Although I could notunderstand everything the characters said,their body language and the expressions on their faceshelped me to get the meaning.I also realized I could get the meaning by listening for just the keywords.My pronunciation also improved by listening to the interesting conversations in Englishmovies.I discovered that listening to something you are interested in is the secret to languagelearning.I also learned useful sentences like“It's a piece of cake”or“It serves you right.”I didn'tunderstand these sentences at first.But because l wanted to understand the story,I looked up thewords in a dictionary.   Now I really enjoy my English class.I want to learn new words and more grammar.Then I canhave a better understanding of English movies.
  • A. Teaching Contents:A narrative about“How I learned to learn English?”.Teaching Objectives:(1) Knowledge objectiveStudents can understand the main idea of this passage and master the writing skills to describe how they learn English.(2) Ability objectiveAfter leaming the materials,students can write their own methods oflearning English,and their ability to read anarrative will be well developed.(3) Emotional objectiveStudents have the desire to share their own successful experience with others.Teaching Key and Difficult Points:Students can write down their own methods ofleaming English in detail.Major Steps:Step l Reading and listening (4 minutes)The teacher asks students to read the passage about Wei Fen and answer the questions.(1) Why did Wei Fen find it difficult to learn English? .(2) What did she do in English class?(3) What is the secret to language learning?Then the teacher asks several students to answer the questions and listen to the tape about the passage to checktheir answers.(Justification:This step can focus students' attention on the main topic of the reading passage.The listeningpractice makes students have a further understanding of the passage.)Step 2 Pre-writing (6 minutes)(1) BrainstormingThe teacher asks students in pairs to write the reasons why they like learning English or not and the methods ofleaming English.(2) Mind MappingThe teacher asks students to select the usefulinformation from the brainstorming and organize these ideas.(3) Free writingThe teacher asks students to start writing freely about the reasons why they like learning English or not andthe methods oflearning English following the mind mapping.They don't need to care too much about spelling andgrammar.(Justification:Brainstorming can get students to think freely and put down all possible ideas that come to theirminds.Mind Mapping is a useful way for students to organize contents in writing.Free writing can help students develop fluency in writing.)Step 3 While-writing (10 minutes)(1) Get students to outline the writing.Paragraph l-Do you like learning English and explain the reasons Paragraph 2-The methods oflearning English Paragraph 3-Expectations oflearning English(2) Provide students with some expressions and sentence pattems:feelin love with,as well,get the meaning,at first,have a better understanding ofI did not like...,I was afraid to...because ...,I discovered that ... is the secret to language learning.(3) Give students some time to write "How Ilearned to leam English" on paper.(Justification:The outlining illustrates the main organizing structure and the most important points of thewriting.The expressions and sentence pattems can offer some help to students when they write.)(4) Peer-editingThe teacher asks students to read each others' writings and check the clarity ofideas and logical development oftheir arguments.Students need to check carefully the grammar,spelling and punctuation of their writing.(Justification:Peer editing can provide an opportunity for students to share their writing and help them leamfrom each other.Students can get some improvements in both organization and content.)Step 4 Post-writing (5 minutes)RevisingThe teacher leads students to make necessary improvements in both organization and content based on their editing.Revising can take several rounds,so students need to be prepared for writing a second and a third draft before they submit the final draft.(Justification:Revising their own articles can make them realize their mistakes more clearly.)

  • [单选题]大学毕业的陈某曾因故意犯罪被判处有期徒刑1年。刑满释放后,他前往某初级中学应聘。学校
  • A. 不得聘用
    B. 可以聘用
    C. 应当聘用
    D. 暂缓聘用

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