

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-09-09     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]课程、教科书、教学参考书等属于教育基本要素(basic educational elements)的( )。

A. 教育者
B. 受教育者
C. 教育中介
D. 教育媒体

2. [单选题]打过几次针的小孩,见到穿白大褂的人就哭或躲避。这种现象属于( )。

A. 无条件反射(unconditioned reflex)
B. 先天本能
C. 第二信号系统条件反射
D. 第一信号系统(first signal system)条件反射

3. [单选题]Which of the following is not true about teaching reading?

A. The selected texts and attached tasks should be accessible to the students. Inaccessible texts do not help improve students' reading skills but cause frustration.
B. Tasks should be clearly given in advance.
C. Tasks should help develop students' reading skills rather than test their reading comprehension.
D. The teacher should not provide enough guidance and assistance at the beginning.

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