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    哈萨克族(kazak)、厄尔尼诺、教育教学设施(educational or teaching facilities)、代表人物(representative)、死记硬背(rote learning)、教育与生产劳动相结合(combination of education with productiv ...)、乌孜别克族(uzbek nationality)、《中小学教师职业道德规范》、《广陵散》、《高山流水》

  • [单选题]在电影《英雄》中为了表现出电影的古老韵味,曾在电影中成功使用了古琴这种乐器,古琴属于哪   一种乐器( )。

  • A. 拉弦乐器
    B. 吹管乐器
    C. 弹拨乐器
    D. 打击乐器

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
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  • [单选题]方铭是老师们眼里的"问题生"。教师一次次的与家长联系成了家常便饭,每次方铭的家长态度都很诚恳,希望得到老师的帮助。但班主任王老师总是训斥家长没有教育监督好孩子,这一做法违背了教师职业道德的()要求。
  • A. 为人师表
    B. 热爱学生
    C. 尊重家长
    D. 爱岗敬业

  • [单选题]个别教师不允许班上学习差的学生参加考试,随意占用学生的上课时间,指派学生参加一些与教育教学无关的商业庆典活动等,这些行为主要是侵害了学生的( )。
  • A. 健康权
    B. 名誉权
    C. 受教育权
    D. 隐私权

  • [单选题]在西方教育史上,( )第一次明确提出德、智、体几个方面协调发展,并坚持教育与生产劳动相结合。
  • A. 洛克
    B. 卢梭
    C. 裴斯泰洛齐
    D. 夸美纽斯

  • [单选题]( )主张教学的最终目标是促进学生对学科结构的一般理解。
  • A. 斯金纳
    B. 布鲁纳
    C. 苛勒
    D. 加涅

  • [单选题]以下属于元认知计划策略的是( )。
  • A. 学生拿到教材后为自己设定学习目标
    B. 学生在考试中先做简单题目
    C. 学生在考试过程中时刻关注自己的做题速度与时间
    D. 学生测试结束后检查自己的答案

  • [单选题] A decade ago, the idea that the planet was warming up as a result of human activity was largely theoretical. We knew that since the Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century, factories and power plants and automobiles and farms have been loading the atmosphere with heat-trapping gases, including carbon dioxide and methane (甲烷). But evidence that the climate was actually getting hotter was still murky. Not anymore. As an.authoritative report issued a few weeks ago by the United Nations-sponsored Intergovemmental Panel on Climate Change makes plain, the trend toward a warmer world has unquestionably begun. Worldwide temperatures have climbed more than 0.5℃ over the past century, and the 1990s were the hottest decade on record. After analyzing data going back at least two decades on everything from air and ocean temperatures to the spread and retreat of wildlife, the IPCC asserts that this slow but steady warming has had an impact on no fewer than 420 physical processes and animals and plant species in all countries. Glaciers, including the legendary snows of Kilimanjaro, are disappearing from mountaintops around the globe. Coral reefs are dying off as the seas get too warm for comfort. Drought is the norm in parts of Asian and Africa. El Nino (厄尔尼诺) events, which trigger devastating weather in the eastern Pacific, are more frequent. The Arctic permafrost (永久冻土带) is starting to melt. Lakes and rivers in colder climates are freezing later and thawing earlier each year. Plants and animals are shifting their ranges pole-ward and to higher altitudes, and migration patterns for animals as diverse as polar bears, butterflies and beluga whales are being disrupted.
  • According to the United Nations-sponsored Intergovemmental Panel on Climate Change,________.

  • A. it is doubtful that worldwide global warming has begun
    B. people should not show concern about global warming
    C. it is obvious that the world has started getting warmer and warmer
    D. we should carry out more research to prove the effects of global warming

  • [多选题]在英语教学中,处理语言知识和语言技能这二者的关系时,应该注意哪几点?
  • A. 【参考答案】 (1)坚持英语教学的实践性原则,改变过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授的倾向。 (2)防止过于强调模仿、死记硬背、机械操练的教学倾向。 (3)引导语言知识教学和技能训练相结合的、开放的、互动的学习模式。 (4)针对中学阶段学生的特点,正确把握语言基础知识与语言技能之间的关系。

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