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  • 【名词&注释】

    电子商务(e-commerce)、信用证(letter of credit)、受益人(beneficiary)、申请人(applicant)

  • [判断题]在亚洲制定统一的电子商务规则的“e-ASIA构想”是日本率先提出的。

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]现代国际结算就是指通过银行办理的国与国之间的()收付业务。
  • A. A、信用证
    B. B、支票
    C. C、货币
    D. D、汇票

  • [单选题]根据下列汇票记载,可判定记载为()的汇票为无效汇票。
  • A. Pay to Jackson Co. or order the sum of six thousand US dollars. Drawn under L/C No.83419 issued by Westminster Bank Limited, London dated on 8th May 2004.
    B. Pay to Jackson Co. or order the sum of six thousand US dollars and charge/debit same to applicant’s account with you.
    C. Pay to Jackson Co. or order the sum of six thousand Hongkong dollars plus interest.
    D. Pay to Jackson Co. or order the sum of six thousand Hongkong dollars plus interest calculated at the rate of 8% p.a.

  • [单选题]开证行审单相符时,下一个步骤是()
  • A. 开证行寄单索偿
    B. 议付行得到偿付
    C. 通知申请人(applicant)付款赎单
    D. 受益人收到货款

  • [单选题]两家银行事先约定的专用押码,称为()
  • A. 密码
    B. 电传
    C. 控制文件
    D. 密押

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/nrzq4z.html
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