1. [单选题]某轮在某装载状态下的一处水线位于水尺标志“Ⅷ”字体高度一半处,则该处的吃水为()。
A. 8.00m
B. 8.05m
C. 8英尺3英寸
D. 8英尺6英寸
2. [单选题]某轮排水量Δ=17272t,由密度为ρ1=1.014g/cm3的水域驶入密度为ρ2=1.002g/cm3,每厘米吃水吨数TPC=24.18t,则其平均吃水改变量为()m。
A. A.0.061
B. B.0.069
C. C.0.078
D. D.0.086
3. [单选题]某船由密度为ρ1=1.021g/cm3的水域驶入密度为ρ2=1.004g/cm3的水域,船舶排水量Δ=12015t,每厘米吃水吨数TPC=16.82t/cm,则船舶平均吃水改变量为()cm。
A. A.10
B. B.12
C. C.14
D. D.8
4. [单选题]The TPC curve,one of the hydrostatic curves in a vessel’s plans,gives the number of tons().
A. necessary to change the angle of list 1°at a given draft
B. necessary to change trim 1 cm at a given draft
C. pressure per square cm on the vessel's hull at a given draft
D. necessary to further immerse the vessel 1 cm at a given draft
5. [单选题]The upward pressure of displaced water is called().
A. buoyancy
B. deadweight
C. draft
D. freeboard