
Before replacing a piston you should check the rings to see

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    设计阶段(design stage)、船舶动力装置(marine power plant)、中心线(center line)、巴氏合金(babbitt alloy)、性问题(sex problem)、铜铅合金(copper-lead alloy)

  • [单选题]Before replacing a piston you should check the rings to see that all clearances and gaps are () the permissible tolerances.

  • A. above
    B. at
    C. over
    D. withi

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  • [单选题]保证和提高船舶动力装置的可靠性问题(sex problem),将贯穿在()。Ⅰ.整个设计阶段;Ⅱ.整个制造阶段;Ⅲ.全部运转期间
  • A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ
    B. Ⅰ+Ⅲ
    C. Ⅰ十Ⅲ
    D. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]连杆大小端轴承孔平台检验时应检查二者的中心线的()。
  • A. 垂直度
    B. 在垂直平面和水平平面内的平行度
    C. 平行度
    D. 同轴度

  • [单选题]在柴油机已装活塞运动部件的情况下测量臂距值时,为了准确测量臂距值()。
  • A. 盘车一周应测完5个数值
    B. 测量中拐挡表安装次数不限
    C. 柴油机停机后即可测量
    D. 可在任意位置开始测量

  • [单选题]船轴不包括()。
  • A. 推力轴
    B. 中间轴
    C. 艉轴
    D. 曲轴

  • [单选题]油润滑艉轴承的轴承材料一般选用()。
  • A. 巴氏合金
    B. 铜铅合金(copper-lead alloy)
    C. 铜锡合金
    D. 高锡铝合金

  • [单选题]At the top of the A-frames there is a strong cast iron frame called ().
  • A. cylinder liner
    B. cylinder cover
    C. the gear box
    D. the scavenging box

  • [单选题]The main bearing shells often have a thin () of lead or indium to provide a layer giving protection against corrosion.
  • A. flange
    B. flash
    C. plate
    D. sheet

  • [单选题]You increased the () to 150 tons that’s why the fuel oil ().
  • A. pumped speed;came out
    B. pumping rate;overflowed
    C. flowing rate;leaked out
    D. flowed speed;spilled out

  • [单选题]Which of the following statements concerning fire-tube boilers is correct?()
  • A. Combustion gases flow through the tubes
    B. Flames impinge on the tubes
    C. Combustion occurs in the tubes
    D. Water flows through the tube

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