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    使用情况(service condition)、活塞杆(piston rod)、中心线(center line)、固定式(fixed)、活塞式(piston)、动平衡试验(dynamic balance test)、符合要求(meet the requirement)、增压器转子(blower rotor)

  • [单选题]筒状活塞式柴油机活塞运动部件平台检验相对位置的技术要求是()。

  • A. 活塞裙外圆与活塞杆外圆同轴度符合要求(meet the requirement)
    B. 活塞中心线与活塞销中心线垂直、相交
    C. 连杆与活塞装配后连杆大、小端轴承孔中心线平行
    D. 装配后活塞中心线与连杆大端轴承孔中心线垂直、相交

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]并联连接系统按照部件的连接情况可分为备用部件和基本部件,根据使用情况有()。Ⅰ.固定式连接热态(在负荷下)各用方式;Ⅱ.固定式连接冷态(在无负荷下)各用方式;Ⅲ.不固定式(流动式)连接各用方式
  • A. Ⅰ十Ⅱ
    B. Ⅰ+Ⅲ
    C. Ⅱ+Ⅲ
    D. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]()时应对增压器转子(blower rotor)进行动平衡试验(dynamic balance test)
  • A. A.更换轴承
    B. B.更换部分叶片
    C. C.定期清洗
    D. D.更换气封或油封

  • [单选题]A diesel engines crankcase oil level is found to be too high√ You should suspect that ().
  • A. the engine was over filled
    B. there might be a fuel leak
    C. there might be a water leak
    D. all of the above

  • [单选题]Additives () protective layers on metal surfaces guarding them against corrosion.
  • A. damage
    B. form
    C. dissolve
    D. contaminate

  • [单选题]Diesel oil may be used to cool () of a diesel engine.
  • A. cylinders
    B. exhaust valves
    C. pistons
    D. fuel valve

  • [单选题]High diesel engine cooling water temperatures can be caused by ().
  • A. air in the cooling system
    B. an overhauled water pump
    C. correct amount of coolant
    D. no air in the cooling system

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/n90jn7.html
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