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1. [单选题]BCL2定位于线粒体的()

A. A、内膜
B. B、外膜
C. C、基质
D. D、膜间隙

2. [单选题]长江人寿保险公司开发了一个新产品,每份保单年初缴费都为1000元,死亡给付为50000元。2007年1月1日的有效保单数为1000份,资产份额16500元。截止2007年12月31日,死亡人数为10人,退保人数为5人。假设佣金为年初提取保费的10%,每个保单的现金价值为9000元,资产份额累积利率为5%,所有的保单缴费和佣金发生在年初,保险金给付和退保发生在年末。

A. C

3. [单选题]关于我国民族的说法,不正确的是()

A. A、我国有55个少数民族
B. B、壮族是我国人口最多的少数民族
C. C、少数民族主要分布在西南、西北和东北地区
D. D、汉族在全国各地分布比较均匀

4. [单选题]病気にでもならない()、この研究をやめる気はありません。

A. なら
B. ものを
C. 限り
D. 間は

5. [单选题]完形填空:下面的短文有l5处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定l个最佳选项。Obesity(肥胖) Causes Global Warming.The list of ills attributable to obesity keeps growing: Last week, obese people were accused of causing global warming.This ______(51)comes from Sheldon Jacobson of the University of Illinois, US, and a doctoral student, Laura McLay. Their study ______(52) how much extra gasoline is needed to haul fat Americans around. The answer, they say, is a billion gallons of gas per year. ______(53)There has been ______(54) for taxes on junk food in recent years. US economist Martin Schmidt suggests a tax on fast food ______(55)to people’s cars. "We tax cigarettes partly because of their health cost," Schmidt said. "Similarly, leading a lazy life style will end ______(56) costing taxpayers more."US political scientist Eric Oliver said his first instinct was to laugh at these gas and fast food arguments. But such ______(57) are getting attention.At the US Obesity Society's annual meeting, one person ______(58) obesity with car accident deaths, and another correlated obesity with suicides. No one asked whether there was really a cause-and-effect relationship. " The funny thing was that everyone took it ______(59)." Oliver said.In a 1960s study, children were ______(60) drawings of children with disabilities and without them, and a drawing of an obese child. They were asked ______(61) they would want for a friend? The obese child was picked last.Three researchers recently repeated the study ______(62) college students. Once again, ______(63) no one, not even obese people, liked the obese person. " Obesity was stigmatized." the researchers said.But, researchers say, getting______ (64) is not like quitting smoking. People struggle to stop smoking, and, in the end, many succeed. Obesity is different. Science has shown that they have limited personal control over their weight Genes also______ (65) a part.

A. C

6. [单选题]阳偏衰的治疗方法是()

A. 寒者热之
B. 热者寒之
C. 阴阳双补
D. 阳病治阴
E. 阴病治阳

7. [单选题]汇票金额为10万元,甲乙二人在汇票上签章保证,注明保证金额各为5万元,该保证的后果为()

A. 保证有效,甲乙按其记载承担保证责任
B. 保证有效,甲乙对10万元承担连带责任
C. 保证无效,甲乙不承担票据保证责任
D. 保证无效,甲乙按其过错对票据权利人承担责任(undertake responsibility)

8. [单选题]暖水瓶胆镀汞,使其保温,主要原理是阻止热传播中的()

A. 热传导
B. 热对流
C. 热辐射
D. 全破坏

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