

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-09-29     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]在船上拆下来的针阀偶件应该用()浸泡清洗。

A. A.汽油
B. B.煤油
C. C.液压油
D. D.标准润滑油

2. [单选题]舵杆纵向裂纹应采用()修理。

A. 修刮
B. 焊补
C. 粘接
D. 更换

3. [单选题]() fuel oils () lubricating oils require treatment before passing to the engine.

A. Both;and
B. Neither;nor
C. Either;or
D. Both;or

4. [单选题]Fuel injection valves should be taken out, cleaned, and lifting checked every ().

A. two to four months
B. four to six months
C. six to eight month

5. [单选题]“Stand by engine” means ().

A. prepare to stop the engine
B. assemble an engine on its bedplate
C. make an engine ready for starting
D. make an engine run steadily

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