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[单选题]To achieve fiuency,when should correction be conducted?
A. After class.
B. The moment error occurs.
C. At the summary stage of the activity.
D. During the course of the communication.
[单选题]下列哪一个作品不是鲁迅的( )。
A. 祝福
B. 阿Q正传
C. 狂人日记
D. 子夜
[多选题]班级的核心和动力是班级的组织者--班主任。( )
A. √
[单选题]夸美纽斯的( )奠定了班级组织的理论基础。
A. 《普通教育学》
B. 《民主主义与教育》
C. 《大教学论》
D. 《教学与发展》
[单选题]Fluent and appropriate language use requires knowledge of____________and this suggests that we should teach lexical chunks rather than single words.
A. denotation
B. connotation
C. morphology
D. collocation