A. 学科课程
B. 活动课程
C. 经验课程
D. 社会课程
[单选题]某一领域或课题的学习直接对学习另一领域或课题所产生的影响是( )。
A. 正迁移
B. 负迁移
C. 非特殊迁移
D. 特殊迁移
[单选题]某寄宿小学派车接送学生,途中有学生提出要上厕所。司机在路边停车5分钟,5分钟过后,司机没有清点人数就将车开走。小学生王某从厕所出来发现车已经开走,急忙追赶。在追赶过程中摔倒在地,将门牙跌落三颗。王某的伤害由谁承担责任( )。
A. 司机负责
B. 某寄宿学校负责
C. 司机和某住宿学校共同负责
D. 司机和王某共同负责
[单选题]战国后期,我国出现的最具有世界影响力的教育文献是( )。
A. 大学
B. 中庸
C. 孟子
D. 学记
A. (1)导入的作用:
[单选题] Plants and animals that have been studied carefully seem to have built-in clocks.These biological clocks, as they are called, usually are not quite exact in measuring time.However, they work pretty well because they are "reset" each day, when the sun comes up.
Do pigeons use their biological clocks to help them find directions from the sun?We can keep pigeons in a room lit only by lamps.And we can program the lighting to produce artificial "days", different from the day outside.After a while we have shifted their clocks.Now we take them far away from home and let them go on a sunny day.Most of them start out as if they know just which way to go, but choose a wrong direction.They have picked a direction that would be correct for the position of the sun and the time of day according to their shifted clocks.
It is known and experimented that homing pigeons can tell directions by the sun.But what happens when the sky is darkly overcast by clouds and no one can see where the sun is?Then the pigeons still find their way home.The same experiment has been repeated many times on sunny days and the result was always the same.But on very overcast days clock-shifted pigeons are just as good as normal pigeons in starting out in the right directions.So it seems that pigeons also have some extra sense of direction to use when they cannot see the sun.
Naturally, people have wondered whether pigeons might have a built-in compass-something that would tell them about the directions of the earth′s magnetic field.One way to test that idea would be to see if a pigeon′s sense of direction can be fooled by a magnet attached to its back. With a strong magnet close by, a compass can no longer tell direction.
To test the idea, a group of ten pigeons had strong little magnet bars attached to their backs. Another group carried brass bars instead which were not magnetic.In a number of experiments, both groups were taken away from home and let go.On sunny days none of the magnet-pigeons was fooled.They were just as good as the brass-pigeons in starting out in the right direction toward home.On cloudy, overcast days, however, with no sun the brass-pigeons chose the right direction, but the magnet-pigeons were in trouble.They later started out in different directions and acted completely lost.
What can be inferred from the passage about biological clocks?
A. They are used by all plants and animals to tell time.
B. Pigeons′biological clocks are regulated every day with the sunrise.
C. The built-in biological clocks cannot be changed.
D. They gradually developed as pigeons grow mature.
[单选题]Having lived in China for a long time,John could fully understand the cultural shocks experienced by his Chinese students.Which of the following traits does John have in this instance?
A. Avoidance.
B. Empathy.
C. Extroversion.
D. Introversion.
[单选题]班主任孙老师经常对学生说:"知识改变命运,分数才是硬道理。"他自己出钱设立了"班主任基金",用于奖励每学期期末考试成绩前三名的学生。孙老师的做法( )。
A. 正确,物质奖励具有良好的激励功能
B. 不正确,考试成绩不能衡量学生的素质
C. 正确,考试成绩是评价学生的重要依据
D. 不正确,考试成绩不是评价学生的唯一指标
[单选题]心理学家称之为"危险期"或"心理断乳期"的时期发生在( )。
A. 学前阶段
B. 小学阶段
C. 初中阶段
D. 高中阶段