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  • [单选题]连杆螺栓如发现少量螺纹损坏则应该()。

  • A. 用板牙修牙
    B. 用锉刀修牙
    C. 换新
    D. 用砂纸打磨

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]废气锅炉出口排烟温度t2不应低于露点,为了最大限度利用排气余热,在标定工况下,t2=露点+△t(℃),式中△t不应小于()℃.
  • A. 25
    B. 30
    C. 40
    D. 50

  • [单选题]消除螺旋桨鸣音的办法是将随边0.4R~0.8R部分(),从而改变涡流引起的振动频率。
  • A. 质量改变
    B. 形状改变
    C. 改变尺寸
    D. 改变螺距

  • [单选题]The power generated in the turbine must () that required by the compressor.
  • A. be less than
    B. be larger than
    C. be as large as
    D. not be so large a

  • [单选题]When the fuel oil is burning in the combustion chamber, it ().
  • A. gives up large amount of heat
    B. gives off large amount of heat
    C. gives up large amount of steam
    D. gives off large amount of steam

  • [单选题]In a normally operating diesel engine, the main cause of lubricating oil contamination in the crankcase is a result of the ().
  • A. metal particles loosened by wear
    B. air when no air cleaners are used
    C. condensation of water vapors
    D. breakdown of the lubricating oil by dilutio

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/lzgrg0.html
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