
The area for unloading goods in warehouse is()

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    集装箱空箱(empty container)

  • [单选题]The area for unloading goods in warehouse is()

  • A. receiving space
    B. shipping space
    C. receive area
    D. collecting area

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]What are the advantages for motor transportation? ()
  • A. Door-to-door service
    B. Fast
    C. Flexibility
    D. A and C

  • [单选题]How long is the economic distance for motor? ()
  • A. 750 miles
    B. 1000km
    C. 1000 miles or less
    D. 200 km

  • [单选题]what kind of products do the air carriers deliver? ()
  • A. The high value
    B. Low density or weight
    C. A and B
    D. Shortest time to transport

  • [单选题]There is no difference between the environmental logistics and ()one.
  • A. white
    B. red
    C. blue
    D. green

  • [单选题]Pipelines are not ()
  • A. Labor-intensive
    B. capital-intensive
    C. tech-intensive
    D. Low cost and high return

  • [单选题]he area for unloading goods in warehouse is()
  • A. receiving space
    B. shipping space
    C. receive area
    D. collecting area

  • [单选题]()links all suppliers and customers as a chain in a certain product or service.
  • A. Contract
    B. Business agreement
    C. supply chain
    D. network

  • [单选题]()Which area is the most commodity shipped in water transport?
  • A. In international deep sea
    B. In lakes
    C. In river and canals
    D. Coastal ocean

  • [单选题]集装箱空箱回运费的英文缩写是()。
  • A. FIFO
    B. FCL
    C. LCL
    D. ERC

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/lp0g0o.html
  • 推荐阅读

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