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    塑性变形(plastic deformation)

  • [单选题]水润滑艉轴铜套常见的失效形式有()。

  • A. 过度磨损和腐蚀
    B. 裂纹和过度磨损
    C. 腐蚀和裂纹
    D. 套合松动

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  • [单选题]液压拉伸器是利用油压使螺栓()后轻易地上紧或松脱螺栓。
  • A. 受拉
    B. 产生变形
    C. 产生弹性变形
    D. 产生塑性变形

  • [单选题]转舵时声音异常可能是()。
  • A. 舵承间隙过大
    B. 舵承间隙过小
    C. 舵杆变形
    D. 舵杆折断

  • [单选题]For one or two types of engine,the piston and rod can be withdrawn downwards from the cylinder into the crankcase and then out through ().
  • A. the cylinder cover
    B. the bottom of bed-plate
    C. the sump
    D. the crankcase door

  • [单选题]The main bearing metal is a lining ().
  • A. inside the bearing
    B. outside the bearing
    C. covering the crankshaft
    D. none of the above

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/lon40y.html
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