
22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 2   The An

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    必典考网发布"22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 2   The An"考试试题下载及答案,更多教师资格证-初中英语的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网初中教师资格频道。

  • [单选题]22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 2   The Ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras is best known today for his mathematical theorem,which haunts the dreams of many geometry students,but for centuries he was also celebrated as thefather of vegetarianism.A meatless diet was referred to as a“Pythagorean diet”for years,up untilthe modern vegetarian movement began in the mid-1800s.   While Pythagoras was an early proponent of a meatless diet,humans have been vegetarianssince well before recorded history.Most anthropologists agree that early humans would have eaten apredominantly plant-based diet;after all,plants can't run away.Additionally,our digestive systemsresemble those of herbivores closer than camivorous animals.Prehistoric man ate meat,of course,but plants formed the basis of his diet.   Pythagoras and his many followers practiced vegetarianism for several reasons,mainly dueto religious and ethical objections.Pythagoras believed all living beings had souls.Animals wereno exception,so meat and fish were banished from his table.Strangely enough,he also banished avegetable that has a place of honor on most vegetarian menus today,the“humble”bean.His followerswere forbidden to eat or even touch beans,because he thought beans and humans were created fromthe same material.Fava beans were especially bad,as they have hollow steams that could allow thesouls ofthe dead to travel up from the soil into the growing beans.   While the edict against beans was lifted not long after Pythagoras' death,his followers continued to eat a meatless diet.His principles infiuenced generations of academics and religiousthinkers,and it was a group of these like-minded individuals who founded the Vegetarian Societyin English in the mid-1800s.The virtues of temperance,abstinence and self-control were all tied tovegetarian ideals,while lust,drunkenness and general hooliganism all resulted from a diet too richin meat products.Notable early vegetarians included Leo Tolstoy,George Bernard Shaw,MahatmaGandhi and American Bronson Alcott,a Transcendentalist teacher,reformer and the father oflittleWomen author Louisa May Alcott.   It wasn't until the 1960s that vegetarianism moved into mainstream American life and themovement's growth picked up speed in the 1970s when a young graduate student named FrancisMoore Lappe wrote a book called Diet for a Small Planet.In it,she advocated a meatless diet not for ethical or moral reasons,but because plant-based foods have much less impact on the environmentthan meat does.Today,many vegetarians refuse meat because of animal rights issues,or concernsover animal treatment,a principle first espoused in Peter Singer's 1975 work Animal Liberation.

  • What issue were vegetarians in the mid-1800s in England primary reason with whenrefusing to eat meat?

  • A. Environmental protection.
    B. Animal rights.
    C. Religious belief.
    D. Moral purity.

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  • [单选题]下列说法正确的是( )。
  • A. 王昌龄善写七言绝句,被誉为"七绝圣手"
    B. 王勃的诗词风格高俊,有汉魏风骨,被誉为"诗骨"
    C. 贾岛秉性放达,因其诗风格豪放,被称为"诗狂"
    D. 刘禹锡的诗善于熔铸词藻,运用神话传说进行创作,被称为"诗鬼"

  • [单选题]将猫、狗、鼠等概括为"动物",这是( )。
  • A. 信号学习
    B. 辨别学习
    C. 概念学习
    D. 连锁学习

  • [单选题]22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 2   For Chen Hua.28,an automobile engineer in Shanghai,reading out English text aloud aftertaking pronunciation lessons on a mobile app has become an evening routine.Chen might skip dinner,but wouldn't trade even one language class delivered by the app for anything.   Not having been using English much since leaving college,Chen feels the pressure to pickit up using spare time.The“pressure”arises from a constant fear of being left behind as English-proficient peers appear to get ahead.Academic circles refer to this as “middle-class anxiety”,whichis grasping some sections of China's population.   In a report released by leading online recruiter Zhaopin in January,one-fourth of surveyed white-collar workers said they feel more stressed than inspired,citing reasons from unstable paychecks to gloomy career prospects.Most important of all,many people worry that the worth and utility of their knowledge and qualifications could erode due to thriving technological progress,globalism and entrepreneurship.   “Intensified peer pressure,especially at workplaces,is one factor that fuels our business,”saidWang Yi,CEO of Liulishuo,an English-learning app that Chen uses every day.Wang,a Princeton computer science graduate and former product manager at Google InC.launched the app over fiveyears ago with the intention to disrupt China's hidebound brick-and-mortar language schools.   Liulishuo——it is Chinese for“speaking fluently”—brings social media and gaming elementsto the genre.Wang said that unlike pre-school or K12 education,the adult-learning market is characterized by an inherent desire for self-improvement.Students of online adult education coursesfeel the fee is money well spent.   To personalize offerings,liulishuo has introduced big data and algorithms to quantify multiple dimensions of speech,as well as automatically tailor courses so that the courses could walk a fineline between challenging the students and discouraging them to the extent that they quit learning.   Actually,this is not just confined to language courses.China's growing learners have shownthey will spend time on the right educational programs.
  • What was the purpose ofWang Yi launching liulishuo over five years ago?

  • A. To pick up English.
    B. To satisfy the desire for self-improvement.
    C. To break China's old-fashioned way oflearning.
    D. To intensify peer pressure,especially at workplaces.

  • [单选题]某中学规定,凡主动参加所在地区教研室组织的教研活动的教师,在职称晋升、评优评   先中予以优先考虑。该学校的做法( )。
  • A. 合法,有利于教师科学研究权的落实和保障
    B. 合法,有利于教师教学自由权的落实和保障
    C. 不合法,侵犯了其他教师享受平等待遇的权利
    D. 不合法,违反了教师考核评价的客观公正原则

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