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[单选题]He looks like a Scottish,but his accent may give him______.
A. off
B. out
C. in
D. away
[多选题]韩非的"素丝说"说明环境对人的成长和发展有着重要影响。( )
A. 错
[单选题]某单位需要派出下乡扶贫人员1至3人。经过宣传号召,众人纷纷报名。经过一番考虑,领导最后将派出人选集中在小王、小张和小李三人身上,并达成如下共识:(1)如果小王被挑选上,那么小张就会被挑选上(2)只有小李被挑选上,小王才不会被挑选上(3)如果小张被挑选上,那么小李就会被挑选上(4)小王和小李都被挑选上是不可能的据此,可以推断( )。
A. 小王会被挑选上,而小李不会
B. 小张会被挑选上,而小王不会
C. 小李会被挑选上,而小王不会
D. 小李会被挑选上,而小张不会
[单选题]San Fe, New Mexico multimillionaire ForrestFenn has always loved a good adventure. As a small child before eight, he and his brother,Skippy spent summer vacations making
exploration in Yellowstone National Park.As a teen, Fenn idolized the decorated World Warll fighter pilot, called Robin Olds and latter emulated his hero during the Vietnam War as an Air fighter pilot to go to New Mexico andsettled there as an arts and antiques dealer,hunting down valuable paintings, rugs, warmemorabilia, and other antique to sell.
In 1998, Fenn was diagnosed with terminalkidney cancer. As he had always been doing,he conceived a grand adventure that he assumed would be his last one.“I wanted to create some excitement, some hope, beforeI died,”says Fenn, 82, adding that he alsowanted to “get kids out of the game room andoff the couch.” With those ideas in his mind,he started to devise a treasure hunt.Little by little, Fenn began stocking a small bronze chest with gold coins, prehistoric bracelets and other valuable things. Whenhis cancer went into remission in 1993,he decided he would carry out his plan anyway.
In 2010, Fenn topped off the chest with jewels and valuable stones and hid it somewhere deep in the Rocky Mountains, north of SanteFe. Later that year, he wrote a poem for hisself-published memoir, The Thrill of the Chase.It contained nine clues about the treasure box's whereabouts. One stanza reads like this.Begin it where warm waters halt/ And takeit in the canyon down/ Not far, but too far towalk/Put in below the home of Brown.A few months later, a story about the treasure appeared in a magazine. Since then, Fennhas received thousands of e-mails fromtreasure hunters. Some request more clues tothe box. But mostly “people thanked me for bringing their family together,” he says with aself-comforting smiie on nis face.In April, Fenn told a crowd at an Albuquerque bookstore that two groups of treasure huntershad gotten within 500 feet of the chest. “Theywalked right by it,” he said.
Fenn is confident that the ireasure will be unearthed eventually and says it willtake the right combination of cunning andperseverance.“It will be discovered bysomeone who has read the clues carefully andsuccessfully. But nuuuuy is going to happenupon it,”he predicts.
He hopes that whoever finds the loot will relishthe riches and the adventure of finding them.
Which of the following is closest inmeaning to the underlined phrase topped offin PARAGRAPH FIVE?
A. Filled
B. Covered
C. Fixed
D. Decorated
[单选题]在情绪ABC理论中,C代表( )。
A. 信念
B. 诱发事件
C. 结果
D. 治疗结果
A. 在学校开展心理健康教育有以下几条途径:(1)开设心理健康教育有关课程;(2)开设心理辅导活动课;(3)在学科教学中渗透心理健康教育的内容;(4)结合班级、团队活动开展心理健康教育;(5)个别心理辅导或咨询;(6)小组辅导。
[单选题]强调情绪的产生是植物性神经系统的产物,认为情绪是内脏器官和骨骼肌肉活动在脑内引起的感觉,这是( )情绪理论。
A. 阿诺德的"评定-兴奋说"
B. 坎农-巴德学说
C. 詹姆士-兰格理论
D. 沙赫特的两因素情绪理论
[单选题]小童和小刚都是年满15周岁的中学生,上课期间老师出门接电话,二人争吵扭打起来,小童被击中眼部,导致失明,在此事件中应当承担事故责任的是( )。
A. 小童及其监护人
B. 学校及小刚
C. 小童和小刚
D. 小刚及其监护人