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    填料函(stuffing box)、活塞杆填料、安全操作规程、不符合(inconformity)、固定物(fixture)

  • [单选题]对于活塞杆下端是方形法兰的机型如B&W,如只需解体活塞杆填料函则不需吊出活塞,在曲轴箱内拆掉填料函的()固定螺栓,用专用夹具夹住(),使整个填料函落在夹具的平板上,进行解体。

  • A. 外圈/活塞杆
    B. 内、外圈/活塞杆
    C. 外圈/填料函
    D. 内、外圈/填料函

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  • [单选题]拆装螺母时,不符合安全操作规程的是()。
  • A. 一手抓住固定物(fixture)
    B. 另一手力用推
    C. 少用套筒或梅花扳手
    D. 根据需要增加扳手延长套管的长度

  • [单选题]Aluminum pistons have () coefficient of thermal expansion compared with those of cast iron.
  • A. higher
    B. lower
    C. the same
    D. none of the above

  • [单选题]Among the rings of a piston the () one is subjected to the greatest load and temperature.
  • A. bottom
    B. middle
    C. top
    D. none of the above

  • [单选题]In a purifier, the interface between the liquid seal and the oil should be positioned as close as possible to ().
  • A. the outlet of oil
    B. the outlet of water
    C. the bowl periphery
    D. the center of bowl

  • [单选题]The pressure of pilot air is usually () than that of starting air.
  • A. higher
    B. lower
    C. low
    D. high

  • [单选题]The selection of a lubricating oil depends to a great extent on the operating conditions,().
  • A. the type of coolant
    B. the design of the engine
    C. the type of fuel to be burned
    D. B and C

  • [单选题]Which of the following is a factor of fuel oil almost having nothing to do with the formation of combustion products?()
  • A. setting point
    B. ash
    C. sulfur content
    D. carbon residue

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