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    柴油机(diesel engine)、玻璃钢(frp)、橡胶套(rubber tubing product)

  • [单选题]柴油机某缸连杆已装的状态下,盘车一周可测得曲轴()个臂距值。

  • A. 3
    B. 4
    C. 5
    D. 6

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]对于质量分布不在同一平面内,轴向长度较大的回转件,其平衡程度用()表示。
  • A. A.FR
    B. B.e
    C. C.e•ω
    D. D.G

  • [单选题]水润滑式艉轴工作轴颈包覆(),非工作轴颈包覆()。
  • A. 铜套/塑料
    B. 橡胶套/塑料
    C. 玻璃钢套/橡胶
    D. 铜套/玻璃钢

  • [单选题]铁梨木舵承发生()时应更换。
  • A. 过度磨损
    B. 变形
    C. 开裂
    D. 裂纹

  • [单选题]Be sure to make the engine turn by () before starting and after stopping .
  • A. steering gear
    B. turning gear
    C. steering wheel
    D. turning cycle

  • [单选题]The four strokes are called suction, compression, expansion and exhaust, but only () stroke provides the power to drive the ship.
  • A. suction
    B. compression
    C. expansion
    D. exhaust

  • [单选题]On most modern diesel engines, the main and connecting rod bearings receive their lubricating oil by ().
  • A. banjo feed
    B. splash feed
    C. gravity feed
    D. pressure feed

  • [单选题]The concentration of total dissolved solids in the water of an auxiliary boiler can increase as a result of ().
  • A. seawater contamination
    B. frequent surface blows
    C. dissolved oxygen deaeration
    D. frequent bottom blow

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