

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-09-09     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]Promising Results from Cancer Study    A new experimental vaccine(疫苗)has shown promising results in the fight against lung cancer.In a small Texas-based study,a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas,USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.     Researchers have reported encouraging findings from this small study.Forty-three patients suffering from lung cancer were involved in these trials.Ten of these patients were in the early stages and thirty—three in the advanced stages of the disease.They were injected with me Vaccine every two weeks for three months,and were carefully monitored for three years.In three of the patients in me advanced stages of cancer,the disease disappeared and in the others,it did not spread for five to twenty—four months.However,no great difference was seen in the patients in the early stages of the illness.    This new vaccine uses the patients’own immune、system.It is made specifically for each patient and is injected into the arm or leg.It stimulates the body’s immune system,which then recognizes that the cancer cells are harmful,and attacks and destroys them.    The vaccine could be effective against other forms of cancer.It offers great hope for the treatment of cancer in general,although further studies are needed before such treatment can be widely used.根据以上内容,回答{TSE}题。{TS}The vaccine cured all the participants in the trial.

A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned

2. [单选题]下列哪项为温胆汤的主治证()

A. 湿痰微有化热之象
B. 湿痰证
C. 热痰证
D. 风痰证
E. 燥痰证

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