必典考网发布"For small and medium-sized companies, those logistics manage"考试试题下载及答案,更多物流英语综合练习题库的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网物流员(四级)题库频道。
[单选题]For small and medium-sized companies, those logistics management is still()
A. decentralized
B. centralized
C. integrated
D. concentrated
[单选题]What is the same meaning of location value? ()
A. Different value
B. Different value of same goods at the different place
C. Different goods
D. Different value of different goods at the same place
[单选题]What is the distribution processing value? ()
A. Distribution
B. Processing
C. Sales and processing
D. Changing the length, thickness and the package of the goods
[单选题]What is the main topic above paragraph? ()
A. Logistics must be globalization
B. Logistics is developing
C. Logistics needs all nations involved in the world
D. Logistics activity is international
[单选题]()is the place to store the goods in ported or in transit without paying duty under custom’s supervision .
A. Boned warehouse
B. Exported warehouse
C. Imported warehouse
D. customer warehouse