
Promising Results from Cancer Study    A new experimental v

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  • [单选题]Promising Results from Cancer Study    A new experimental vaccine(疫苗)has shown promising results in the fight against lung cancer.In a small Texas-based study,a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas,USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.     Researchers have reported encouraging findings from this small study.Forty-three patients suffering from lung cancer were involved in these trials.Ten of these patients were in the early stages and thirty—three in the advanced stages of the disease.They were injected with me Vaccine every two weeks for three months,and were carefully monitored for three years.In three of the patients in me advanced stages of cancer,the disease disappeared and in the others,it did not spread for five to twenty—four months.However,no great difference was seen in the patients in the early stages of the illness.    This new vaccine uses the patients’own immune、system.It is made specifically for each patient and is injected into the arm or leg.It stimulates the body’s immune system,which then recognizes that the cancer cells are harmful,and attacks and destroys them.    The vaccine could be effective against other forms of cancer.It offers great hope for the treatment of cancer in general,although further studies are needed before such treatment can be widely used.根据以上内容,回答{TSE}题。{TS}The vaccine cured all the participants in the trial.

  • A. Right
    B. Wrong
    C. Not mentioned

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  • [单选题]请在第__(62)__处填上正确答案。
  • 根据材料,完成下面的题目。Public Relations Public relations is a broad set of planned communications about the company, including publicity releases,designed to promote goodwill and a favorable image. Publicity then is part of public relations when it is initiated by the firm, usually in the51of press releases or press conferences. Since public relations involves communications with stockholders, financial analysts, government officials, and other noncustomer groups, it is usually.52outside the marketing department, perhaps as a staff department or outside consulting firm reporting to top management. Thisorganizational placement can be a 53 because the public relations department or consultant will likely not be in line with marketing efforts. Poor communication and no coordination can be the54. Although the basic purpose of public relations is to provide positive influence55 the public image, this influence generally maybe less than 56 provided by the other components of the public image mix. Publicity nay be in the form of news releases that have57overtones for the company initiate by the public relations department. Publicity on the other 58 should not be divorced from the marketing department,as it can 59 a useful adjunct( 辅助 ) to the regular advertising. 60 , not all publicity is initiated by the firm; some can 61from an unfavorable press as a reaction to certain actions or lack of 62that are controversial or even downright ill-advertised.The 63we wish to emphasize is that a firm is deluding( 自欺 ) itself if it thinks its public relations function,whether within the company or an outside firm, can take 64 of public image and opportunities. Many of these have to do with the way the 65 does business, such as its product quality, the servicing and handling of complaints, etc.请在第__(51)__处填上正确答案。

  • A. activities
    B. actions
    C. performances 
    D. relations

  • [单选题]请在第___________处填上正确答案.
  • 阅读材料,回答下面的题目: What We Take from and Give to the Sea  As long as we have been on earth, we have used the sea around us. We take from the ocean, and we give to it. We take fishes from the ocean-millions of kilograms of fish, every year, to51millions of people. We even52their bones for fertilizer. We take minerals from the ocean. One way to get salt is to53seawater in shallow basin and leave until it evaporates( 蒸发 ). Along with salt, other minerals are left 54 evaporation.Much gold and silver drift dissolved in the waters of the sea, too. But the sea does not give them 55 by simpleevaporation.56gifts from the sea are pearls, sponges( 海绵) and seaweed. Pearls57jewelry. Natural sponges become cleaning aids. Seaweed becomes 58 of many kinds-even candy, and ice cream - as well as medicine. Believe it or not, fresh water is another 59 from the sea. We cannot drink ocean water. Some of its contents may. 60 illness. But ocean water becomes fresh water when the salts are 61 . In the future, we will find ourselves 62 more and more on fresh water from the sea. The sea63us food, fertilizer, minerals, water, and other gifts. What do we give the sea? Garbage. We pollute the ocean 64 we use it as a garbage dump. Huge as it is, the ocean cannot hold all the water that we pour into it. 65 garbage into the ocean is killing off sea life. Yet as the world population grows, we may need the sea and its gifts ,more than ever.请在第___________处填上正确答案.

  • A. flow 
    B. place
    C. pour
    D. throw

  • [单选题]In the eyes of the author, what happens to a scholar who shares his ideas with his colleagues?
  • 根据以下材料回答下面的题目:Academic MobilityScholars and students have always been great travelers. "Academic mobility" is now often stated as a fundamental necessity for economic and social progress in the world, but it is certainly nothing new. Serious students were always ready to go abroad in search of the most stimulating teachers and the most famous academies; in search of the purest philosophy, the most effective medicine, the likeliest road to gold.Mobility of this kind means also mobility of ideas, their transference across frontiers, their simultaneous impact upon many groups of people. The point of learning is to share it, whether with students or with colleagues; one presumes that only eccentrics have an interest in being credited with a startling discovery, or a new technique. It must also have been reassured to know that other people in other parts of the world were about to make the same discovery or were thinking along the same lines, and that one was not quite alone, confronted by inquisition, ridicule or neglect.In the twentieth century, and particularly in the last twenty years, the old footpaths of the wandering scholars have become vast highways. The vehicle which has made this possible has of course been the aero plane, making contact between scholars even in most distant places immediately feasible, and providing for the very rapid transmission of knowledge. Apart from the vehicle itself, it is fairly easy to identify the main factors which have brought about the recent explosion in academic movement. Some of these are purely quantitative and require no further mention: there are far more centers of leaming, and a far greater number of scholars and students.In addition, one must recognize the very considerable multiplication of disciplines, particularly in the sciences, which by widening the total area of advanced studies has produced an enormous number of specialists whose particular interests ale precisely defined. These people would work in some isolation if they were not able to keep in touch with similar isolated groups in other countries.It can be concluded from the passage that "academic mobility"__________

  • A. He risks his ideas being stolen
    B. He gains recognition for his achievement
    C. He is considered as an eccentric
    D. He is credited with a startling discovery

  • [单选题]请在第_______处填上正确答案。
  • 根据以下资料,回答下面的题目。Chicken Soup for the Soul:Comfort Food Fights Loneliness 请在第_______处填上正确答案。

  • A. with   
    B. on   
    C. by
    D. at

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