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  • [单选题]近年来我国对农村中小学的布局结构进行了调整。这主要反映了下列哪一因素对教育的影响?( )

  • A. 政治制度
    B. 经济制度
    C. 人口变化
    D. 文化传统

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]按科尔伯格的观点,划分儿童道德发展阶段主要看其( )。
  • A. 心理冲突情况
    B. 人格发展情况
    C. 道德行为发展情况
    D. 道德判断能力发展情况

  • [单选题]Which of the following instructions is helpful in developing students' ability to make inferences?
  • A. Listen to a story and write a summary.
    B. Listen to a story and work out the writer's intention.
    C. Listen to the story ofa boy and then draw a picture ofhim.
    D. Listen to a story and note down the specific date of an event.

  • [单选题]下列关于教育家及其著作的说法,正确的是( )。
  • A. 1903年出版的《实验教育学》的作者是德国的梅伊曼
    B. 孔子的《论语》是我国最早专门论述教育问题的著作
    C. 赫尔巴特的《普通教育学》是近代最早的一部教育学著作
    D. 美国教育家杜威是实用主义的代表人物,其代表作是《民主主义与教育》

  • [单选题] A proverb allegedly from ancient China was widely spread in the west:"If you want to be happy for a few hours, go to get drunk; if you want a lifetime happiness, take up gardening." The reason for the last option is this: Gardening is not only useful, but it helps you to identify yourself with nature, and thus brings you new joy each day besides improving your health. A research of a US university that I've read gives a definition of happiness as what makes a person feel comfortably pleased. To put it specifically, happiness is an active state of mind where one thinks one's life is meaningful, satisfactory and comfortable. This should be something lasting rather than transitory. Lots of people regard it the happiest to be at leisure. But according to a study, it is not a person with plenty of leisure but one at work that feels happy, especially those busy with work having little time for leisure. Happiness does not spell gains one is after but a desire to harvest what one is seeking for. People often do not cherish what they already have but yearn for what they cannot get. That is somewhat like a man indulging in fond dreams of numerous lovers while reluctant to settle down with the woman beside him. Happiness is a game balancing between two ends-what one has and what one wishes for,e.g. one's dream and the possibility to realize it. The study comes to this conclusion: A happy man is one who aims high but never forgets his actual situation; one who meets challenges that tap his ability and potentiality; one who is proud of his achievements and the recognition given to him. He has self-respect and self-confidence; treasures his own identity and loves freedom. He is sociable and enjoys wide-range communication with others; he is helpful and ready to accept assistance. He knows he is able to endure sufferings and frustrations; he is sensible enough to get fun from daily chores. He is a man capable of love and passion.
  • According to the Passage, gardening can bring lifelong happiness because ________.

  • A. gardening is a profitable business
    B. it can strengthen gardener's ability to remark nature
    C. gardener can enjoy very happy marriage
    D. gardener can build good relationship with nature

  • [单选题]请阅读Passage 2,完成1~5小题。   Passage 2   Several research teams have found that newborns prefer their mothers' voices over those of other people.Now a team of scientists has gone an intriguing step further: they have found that newborns cry in their native language."We have provided evidence that language begins with the very first cry melodies," says Kathleen Wermke of the University of Wurzburg,Germany,who led the research.   "The dramatic finding of this study is that not only are newborns capable of producing different cry melodies,but they prefer to produce those melody patterns that are typical for the ambient language they have heard during their fetal life,within the last trimester," said Wermke."Contrary to orthodox interpretations,these data support the importance of human infants' crying for seeding language development."   It had been thought that babies' cries are constrained by their breathing patterns and respiratory apparatus,in which case a crying baby would sound like a crying baby no matter what the culture is,since babies are anatomically identical."The prevailing opinion used to be that newborns could not actively influence their production of sound." says Wermke.This study refutes that claim: since babies cry in different languages,they must have some control (presumably unconscious) over what they sound like rather than being constrained by the acoustical properties of their lungs,throat,mouth,and larynx.If respiration alone dictated what a cry sounded like,all babies would cry with a falling-pitch pattern,since that's what happens as you run out of breath and air pressure on the throat's sound-making machinery decreases.French babies apparently didn't get that memo."German and French infants produce different types of cries,even though they share the same physiology," the scientists point out."The French newborns produce 'nonphysiological' rising patterns," showing that the sound of their cries is under their control.   Although phonemes—speech sounds such as "ki" or "sh"—don't cross the abdominal barrier and reach the fetus,so-called prosodic characteristics of speech do.These are the variations in pitch,rhythm,and intensity that characterize each language.Just as newboms remember and prefer actual songs that they heard in utero,it seems,so they remember and prefer both the sound of Mom's voice and the melodic signature of her language.   The idea of the study wasn't to make the sound of a screaming baby more interesting to listeners-good luck with that-but to explore how babies acquire speech.That acquisition,it is now clear,begins months before birth,probably in the third trimester.Newborns "not only have memorized the main intonation pattems of their respective surrounding language but are also able to reproduce these pattems in their own [sound] production," conclude the scientists.Newborns' "cries are already tuned toward their native language" ,giving them a head start on sounding French or German (or,presumably,English or American or Chinese or anything else: the scientists are collecting cries from more languages).This is likely part of the explanation for how babies develop spoken language quickly and seemingly without effort.Sure,we may come into the world wired for language (thank you,Noam Chomsky),but we also benefit from the environmental exposure that tells us which language.   Until this study,scientists thought that babies became capable of vocal imitation no earlier than 12 weeks of age.That's when infants listening to an adult speaker producing vowels can parrot the sound.But that's the beginning of true speech.It's sort of amazing that it took this long for scientists to realize that if they want to see what sounds babies can perceive,remember,and play back,they should look at the sound babies produce best.So let the little angel cry: she's practicing to acquire language.
  • Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word "ambient" in Paragraph 2?

  • A. Surrounding.
    B. Familiar.
    C. Foreign.
    D. Local.

  • [单选题]王老师把自己的精力用于培养优秀的学生,很少留意成绩一般的学生,该老师的做法( )。
  • A. 有助于教学任务的完成
    B. 有助于学生的个性发展
    C. 违背了公正施教的要求
    D. 违背了严慈相济的要求

  • [单选题]When the teacher asks questions,which one should be EXCEPTed?
  • A. Questions that require students to compare,evaluate,or infer should be encouraged.
    B. Questions should be balanced among different types.
    C. Questions should be focused on those who can answer them.
    D. Questions should be closely related to the suggested class lesson plan.

  • [单选题]儿童思维具有一定的弹性,可以进行可逆性推理:去自我中心化,能从他人的角度考虑问题:能进行多维度的思维:已经获得了长度、体积、重量和面积等的守恒概念:开始能凭借具体事物或从具体事物中获得的表象进行逻辑思维和群集运算。由此可以判断儿童的认知发展处于( )。
  • A. 感知运动阶段
    B. 前运算阶段
    C. 具体运算阶段
    D. 形式运算阶段

  • [单选题]对于学习困难的学生,优秀教师总是能够耐心的给予反复的辅导,支持他们这样做的关键因素是其()。
  • A. 教学水平
    B. 教学风格
    C. 知识水平
    D. 敬业精神

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