
An internet is a combination of networks connected by (1). W

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    路由器(router)、急性期(acute stage)、疟原虫(plasmodium)、数据包(packet)、目的地(destination)、不规则(irregular)、网络连接(network connection)、环孢素(cyclosporine)、抗感染治疗(anti-infection treatment)

  • [单选题]An internet is a combination of networks connected by (1). When a datagram goes from a source to a (2), it will probably pass many (3) until it reaches the router attached to the destination network. A router receives a (4) from a network and passes it to another network. A router is usually attached to several networks. When it receives a packet, to which network should it pass the packet? The decision is based on optimization: Which of the available (5) is the optimum pathway?

  • A. C

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]男性,31岁,不规则发热、咳嗽半年,间断腹泻,大便无脓血,病后体重由71kg降到70kg,3年前曾到非洲工作,一年前回国,诊断该病的实验检查是()
  • A. 检测抗HIV
    B. 取血分离HIV
    C. 胸部X线片
    D. 大便培养
    E. 查血疟原虫

  • [单选题]对于特发性肺纤维化急性期患者最有效的治疗是()
  • A. 抗感染治疗(anti-infection treatment)
    B. 支气管肺泡灌洗
    C. 持续低流量吸氧
    D. 应用糖皮质激素治疗
    E. 支气管扩张剂治疗

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