
不是朱光潜的主要著作的是(  )

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    脑膜炎(meningitis)、肾小管(renal tubular)、朱光潜、主要内容(main contents)、有机磷杀虫药(organophosphorous pesticide)、脑血管(cerebrovascular)、肺气肿(emphysema)、缩窄性心包炎(constrictive pericarditis)、第二层(the second layer)、《文艺心理学》(psychology of art and literature)

  • [单选题]不是朱光潜的主要著作的是(  )

  • A. 《悲剧心理学》
    B. 《文艺心理学》(psychology of art and literature)
    C. 《诗论》
    D. 《文艺对话录》

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  • [单选题]柳永《八声甘州》(对潇潇暮雨洒江天)一词所表达的主要内容是(  )
  • A. 仕途失意
    B. 伤春惜别
    C. 羁旅行役之苦
    D. 怀古叹今之悲

  • [单选题]__________
  • 根据以下内容,回答下面的题目。Investors can _51_ money simply by loaning it.The money they loan is called capital.Security (担保) is an expensive item which the borrower mortgages (抵押) to the investor to show that he intends to _52_ the debt.The way investors make money on loans is to charge interest.Interest is money that _53_ pay to investors for the use of their money.Interest is usually a certain percentage of the capital.Investors sometimes _54 ten percent or more interest per year.The interest may be calculated daily, monthly, or yearly.The interest must be _55_ before the capital can be repaid.If the interest is not _56_ the agreed rate, the interest is added _57_ the capital.Then the borrower has _58_ pay interest on the unpaid interest _59_ on the capital.A debt can grow quickly this way.If the total of the capital and accumulated interest gets too high, the investor will take _60_ of the item used as security and sell it to get his money back.__________

  • A. paid
    B. to be paid
    C. pay
    D. paying

  • [多选题]意识障碍伴双侧瞳孔缩小,见于(  )
  • A. 脑血管意外
    B. 巴比妥类中毒
    C. 有机磷杀虫药等中毒
    D. 脑膜炎
    E. 吗啡类中毒

  • [多选题]尿液生成的基本过程包括(  )
  • A. 肾小球的滤过
    B. 肾小囊对原尿的选择性重吸收
    C. 肾小管和集合管的选择性重吸收
    D. 肾小管和集合管的分泌
    E. 排尿反射

  • [单选题]根据以下选项,回答{TSE}题:A.肝浊音区上升,肝区叩痛阴性B.肝浊音区下降,肝区叩痛阴性 C.肝区叩诊鼓音,肝区叩痛阴性D.肝绝对浊音界下移,肝区叩痛阴性E.肝浊音区上升,肝区叩痛阳性 {TS}肺气肿(emphysema)(  )
  • A. B

  • [单选题]左心房黏液瘤(  )
  • 根据以下选项,回答下面的题目:A.舒张期隆隆样杂音B.S2固定分裂 C.S2递分裂D.心包叩击音E.S2通常分裂 缩窄性心包炎(constrictive pericarditis)(  )

  • A. A

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