[单选题]在一次业务学习中,关于青春期后个体自我意识的发展进入什么阶段,教师们讨论很热烈,共提出了下列四种见解,其中正确的是( )。
A. 生理自我阶段
B. 心理自我阶段
C. 社会自我阶段
D. 经验自我阶段
[单选题]化解消极情绪主要是引导学生学会调节和控制消极情绪,下列正确的有( )。①宣泄调控②转移调控⑧放松训练④向教师父母朋友等寻求支持
A. 1个
B. 2个
C. 3个
D. 4个
[单选题]以下属于学生的基本权利的是( )。
A. 获得经济资助权
B. 申述起诉权
C. 受教育权
D. 参加教育教学权
[单选题]运用先进典型对学生进行思想品德教育,这是德育的( )。
A. 引导法
B. 榜样法
C. 谈话法
D. 讨论法
[单选题]热爱集体与自私自利、创新与保守、自尊与自卑属于( )。
A. 性格特征
B. 气质特征
C. 意志特征
D. 能力特征
[多选题]构成德育活动的基本要素是( )。
A. 教育者
B. 受教育者
C. 德育内容
D. 德育方法
[单选题] The Earth has been stripped of up to90% of its species five times before in the past 450 million years. Now it's about to happen again-and this time there's no rogue asteroid (小行星) to blame. One of the first great rules of terrestrial biology is that no species is forever. The Earth has gone through five major extinction events before. The result of all of the extinctions was the same: death, a lot of it.
As increasingly accepted theories have argued-and as the Science papers show-we are now in the midst of the sixth great extinction, the unsettlingly-named Anthropocene(人类纪), or the age of the humans.
As the authors of all this loss, we are doing our nasty work in a lot of ways. Overexploitation-which is to say killing animals for food, clothing or the sheer perverse pleasure of it-plays a big role. So we get elephants slaughtered for their tusks, thinos poached (偷猎) for their homs and tigers shot and skinned for their pelts, until oops-no more elephants, thinos or tigers.
Habitat destruction is another big driver, particularly in rainforests. And you don't even have to chop or burn an ecosystem completely away to threaten its species; sometimes all it takes is cutting a few roads across it or building a few farms or homes in the wrong spots.
Then too there is global warming, which makes once-hospitable habitats too hot or dry or stormy for species adapted to different conditions. Finally, as TIME's Bryan Walsh wrote in last week's cover story, there are invasive species-pests like the giant African snail, the lionfish-which hitch a ride into a new ecosystem on ships or packing material, or are brought in as pets, and then reproduce wildly, crowding out native species.
It oughtn't to take appealing to our self-interest to get us to quit making such a mess of what we're increasingly coming to learn is an exceedingly destructible world. But it's that very self-interest that led us to make that mess in the first place. We can either start to change our ways, or we can keep going the way we are-at least until the Anthropocene extinction claims one final species: our own.
The sentence "this time there's no rogue asteroid (小行星) to blame" means ________.
A. people blamed asteroids because they are too naughty
B. people feel pity about not having an asteroid to blame
C. the earth will experienced another extinction because of the asteroids
D. the asteroids once served as the reason of the past extinction
[单选题]在知识的学习过程中,掌握同类事物的关键特征和本质特征属于( )。
A. 概念学习
B. 意义学习
C. 命题学习
D. 符号学习
[单选题]教育活动、教育系统对个体发展与社会发展所产生的各种影响和作用指的是( )。
A. 教育方针
B. 教育功能
C. 教育制度
D. 教育内容
[单选题]教师向学生讲授学习内容,学生利用已有的知识去理解意义,这种学习方式是( )。
A. 接受学习
B. 发现学习
C. 被动学习
D. 机械学习