螺旋桨(propeller)、中心线(center line)、四冲程柴油机(four-stroke diesel engine)、阴雨天(those opened)
A. 0.5%
B. 1%
C. 1.5%
D. 2%
A. 在各中间轴距法兰端面(0.18~0.22)l处加一临时支承,拆下连接螺栓和使法兰间留有间隙
B. 在拆卸过程中,在夜间或阴雨天(those opened),停止一切冲击、敲打等振动的
C. 在航行期间掌握轴系技术状态的
D. 拆开各中间轴承,拆下各法兰连接螺栓,调节中间轴和中间轴承的位置的
A. 可焊补
B. 不可焊补
C. 一般不可焊补
D. 可采用喷焊
[单选题]Bedplates are the () of the engine, without the support of which the shaft alignment in particular, and engine structure as a whole, would inevitably be lost.
A. hull
B. projection
C. graphitization
D. foundatio
[单选题]With four-stroke engines, it takes four revolutions of the crank shaft to make () power stroke(s).
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 8