
回答{TSE}题 Eggs are my favorite food.I like them 21 ,

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    表面张力(surface tension)、生产关系(production relations)、主要矛盾(principal contradiction)、工人阶级(working class)、肺顺应性(lung compliance)、农民阶级(peasant class)、地主阶级(landlord class)、《论持久战》、经济基础和上层建筑、《星星之火

  • [单选题]回答{TSE}题 Eggs are my favorite food.I like them 21 ,hard-boiled,scrambled,or poached.I eat eggs for 22 ,lunch,and dinner.I eat eggs here,there,and everywhere! Eggs taste great.You can eat them by 23 or as part of any meal.Eggs are 24 used as an ingredient in many prepared foods.Can you think of any foods that contain 25 ? Eggs are really a perfect food.They are 26 in most of the nutrients we need to maintain good 27 .When a baby chicken develops 28 an egg,the egg 29 and yolk are the only foods they need. Many people believe that eggs are 30 .They point out that eggs contain a very high amount of cholesterol(胆固醇).Too 31 of one kind of cholesterol in our blood can cause heart disease. There is no evidence that eggs 32 the harmful cholesterol in our blood.When we eat foods that are 33 in cholesterol,our bodies make 34 of it to balance,or adjust. If you want to enjoy a tasty and healthy food.eat plenty of 35{TS}

  • A. fried
    B. cooked
    C. eaten
    D. decorated

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  • 学习资料:
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    B. 地主阶级(landlord class)和农民阶级的矛盾
    C. 经济基础和上层建筑的矛盾
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  • A. 《星星之火,可以燎原》
    B. 《论反对日本帝国主义的策略》
    C. 《论持久战》
    D. 《新民主主义论》

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  • A. 肺弹性阻力减小
    B. 肺顺应性增大
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    D. 抗凝血酶Ⅳ
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