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  • [单选题]舵叶轴承孔与舵杆工作轴颈的同轴度偏差不得大于()倍的舵承安装间隙。

  • A. 0.7
    B. 1.0
    C. 1.25
    D. 1.5

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]Engine () refers to the relative time of position of crank, at which each operation during the cycle is commenced and is completed.
  • A. timing
    B. power
    C. firing order
    D. dead center

  • [单选题]The sequence of parts in a generally used fuel oil supply system for a main engine is ()(1)tanks in the double bottom(2)centrifuges(3)service tank(4)settling tank(5)viscosity regulator
  • A. (1)-(2)-(4)-(3)-(5)
    B. (1)-(4)-(2)-(3)-(5)
    C. (1)-(3)-(2)-(4)-(5)
    D. (1)-(5)-(4)-(2)-(3)

  • [单选题]The () can tell us how much heat we can get from the burning of an oil.
  • A. viscosity
    B. flash point
    C. cetane number
    D. calorific value

  • [单选题]Fusible plugs are installed in fire-tube boilers to ().
  • A. provide a means of draining the boiler
    B. warn the engineer of low water level
    C. cool the crown sheet at high firing rates
    D. open the burners electrical firing circuit

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/jvxzdy.html
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