必典考网发布"() is used for cylinder and cylinder head, the salt water"考试试题下载及答案,更多船舶动力装置题库的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网海船船员考试题库频道。
[单选题]() is used for cylinder and cylinder head, the salt water is used for cooling the lubricating oil, the fresh water in the coolers and the charging air in the air cooler.
A. The fuel oil
B. The lube oil
C. The sea water
D. The fresh water
[单选题]() supplies pilot air to control the cylinder air start valves.
A. An air compressor
B. An indicator cock
C. An air distributor
D. A safety valve
[单选题]To counteract these undesirable effects cylinder oils usually contain additives formulated to impart a high degree of () and detergency.
A. salinity
B. alkalinity
C. acid
D. sanitary