

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-07-21     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]船上吊缸检修后,装复活塞运动部件时,正确的操作是()。

A. 装配过程中,随时检查零件的灵活性和密封性
B. 应按规定的预紧顺序和预紧力安装气缸盖螺栓
C. 金属垫片和非金属垫均可继续使用
D. 只需对连杆螺栓进行磁粉探伤,不必检测其长度

2. [单选题]The lower end of each piston rod is reduced in diameter to fit a bore in ().

A. the crosshead
B. the journals of the crosshead
C. the crosshead shoes
D. the guide

3. [单选题]Under manoeuvring condition the main engine may run on ().

A. gas oil
B. marine diesel oil
C. residue oil
D. crude oil

4. [单选题]The crankcase of many diesel engines are kept under a slight vacuum by the ().

A. scavenging action of the piston
B. piston type vacuum pump taking suction off a differential manometer
C. gland exhausting manometer
D. crankcase exhaust fa

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