耐磨性(wear resistance)、柴油机(diesel engine)、绝缘性(insulating)、专用工具(special tool)、符合要求(meet the requirement)、增压器转子(blower rotor)
[单选题]Each piston stuffing box is provided with two sealing rings and three()
A. packings
B. piston rings
C. distributor rings
D. scraper ring
[单选题]拆下来的增压器转子(blower rotor)一般应该(),以防止()。
A. 立放/受力不均
B. 平放/受力不均
C. 平放/变形
D. 立放/变形
A. 破坏了与柴油机联合装置的工作
B. 需要随机专用工具和专用盖板
C. 工作量大
D. 废气仍通过使壳体受到高温作用
A. 标准δ总δ总max、φ总max构成δ总max-φ总max三角形
B. δ总max、φ总max在三角形内的符合要求(meet the requirement)
C. δ总max、φ总max在三角形外的则超差
D. 当δ总max<φ总max,φ总<φ总max时符合要求(meet the requirement)
A. Ⅱ+Ⅲ
B. Ⅰ+Ⅴ
C. Ⅱ+Ⅴ
D. Ⅱ+Ⅳ
A. 仅Ⅰ对
B. 仅Ⅱ对
C. Ⅰ+Ⅱ
D. Ⅰ,Ⅱ都不对
A. 舵杆折断
B. 舵叶进水
C. 舵杆变形
D. 舵承间隙过小
[单选题]The amount of lubricating oil in the drain tank should be checked by ().
A. measuring
B. sounding rod
C. metering
D. weighting
[单选题]Which of the following statements concerning fire-tube boilers is correct?()
A. Combustion gases flow through the tubes
B. Flames impinge on the tubes
C. Combustion occurs in the tubes
D. Water flows through the tube
[单选题]Which of the following devices is common to both mechanical and hydraulic governors?()
A. Direct linkage between the ball-head and fuel rack
B. A servomotor
C. A compensating device
D. Flyweight