必典考网发布"This is not________they had expected after years ofpainstaki"考试试题下载及答案,更多教师资格证-初中英语的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网初中教师资格频道。
[单选题]This is not________they had expected after years ofpainstaking research.
A. a result as bad as
B. as a result as bad
C. as bad as a result
D. as bad a result as
[单选题]我国著名教育家叶圣陶先生提出"教是为了不教",强调的是教学中应该重视( )。
A. 传授知识
B. 培养能力
C. 发展个性
D. 养成品德
[单选题]下列历史故事,与秦始皇有关的是( )。
A. 图穷匕见
B. 指鹿为马
C. 望梅止渴
D. 三顾茅庐
[单选题]In writing,which step is used to get students to think freely and put down all possible ideasrelated to the topic that come to their minds?
A. Proofreading.
B. Revising.
C. Brainstorming.
D. Mapping.