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    增压器(turbocharger)、水分离器(water separator)、防污染设备

  • [单选题]航行中,某船主机采用脉冲增压系统,主机功率较小,平均指示压力<0.5MPa,增压器发生严重故障时应对其采取()措施进行处理。

  • A. A.停止运转
    B. B.一端锁住转子
    C. C.锁住转子两端
    D. D.拆除转子

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]()是用来处理船上污油水、油泥、生活污水及各种垃圾的设备。
  • A. 油水分离器
    B. 防污染设备
    C. 电解海水装置
    D. A十B+C

  • [单选题]Once a scavenge fire is detected, fuel should be shut off from the affected cylinders and cylinder lubrication increased () the risk of seizure.
  • A. to protect
    B. to guard
    C. to maximize
    D. to minimize

  • [单选题]They understand the () of automatic sludge discharging of the purifierBut they are not good in practice.
  • A. principle
    B. principal
    C. cause
    D. case

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/jgo04o.html
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