1. [单选题]Your vessel was damaged and initially assumed a significant list and trim; however,further increase has been slow. Based on this data,what should you expect?()
A. The slowing is only temporary and the vessel will probably suddenly capsize or plunge from loss of stability due to change in the waterplane area
B. The vessel can probably be saved if further flooding can be stopped
C. The vessel will continue to slowly list and/or trim due to the free surface effect and free communication effect
D. The vessel will suddenly flop to the same or greater angle of list on the other side and may capsize
2. [单选题]在眼球的结构中,属于眼球壁血管膜的是()。
A. 巩膜
B. 角膜
C. 脉络膜
D. 视网膜
3. [单选题]使用兆欧表测量绝缘电阻时,若发现指针指零,说明被测绝缘物有()现象。
A. 开路
B. 断路
C. 短路
D. 半短路