
请阅读 Passage 2,完成 1~5小题。   Passage 2   Come on-Ev

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    必典考网发布"请阅读 Passage 2,完成 1~5小题。   Passage 2   Come on-Ev"考试试题下载及答案,更多教师资格证-高中英语的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网高中教师资格频道。

  • [单选题]请阅读 Passage 2,完成 1~5小题。   Passage 2   Come on-Everybody's doing it.That whispered message,half invitation and half forcing, is what most of us think of when we hear the words peer pressure.It usually leads to no good-drinking,drugs and casual sex.But in her new book Join the CluB.Tina Rosenberg contends that peer pressure can also be a positive force through what she calls the social cure,in which organizations and officials use the power of group dynamics to help individuals improve their lives and possibly the word.   Rosenberg,the recipient of a Pulitzer Prize,offers a host of examples of the social cure in action: In South Carolina.a state-sponsored antismoking program called rage Against the Haze sets out to make cigarettes uncool.In South AfricA.an HIV-prevention initiative known as loveLife recruits young people to promote safe sex among their peers.   The idea seems promising,and Rosenberg is a perceptive observer.Her critique of the lameness of many pubic-health campaigns is spot-on: they fail to mobilize peer pressure for healthy habits,and they demonstrate a seriously flawed understanding ofpsychology."Dare to be different,please don't smoke! " pleads one billboard campaign aimed at reducing smoking among teenagers-teenagers,who desire nothing more than fitting in.Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-health advocates ought to take a page from advertisers,so skilled at applying peer pressure.   But on the general effectiveness of the social cure,Rosenberg is less persuasive.Join the Club is filled with too much irrelevant detail and not enough exploration of the social and biological factors that make peer pressure so powerful.The most glaring flaw of the social cure as it's presented here is that it doesn't work very well for very long.rage Against the Haze failed once state funding was cut.Evidence that the loveLife program produces lasting changes is limited and mixed.   There's no doubt that our peer groups exert enormous influence on our behavior.An emerging body of research shows that positive health habits-as well as negative ones-spread through networks of friends via social communication.This is a subtle form of peer pressure: we unconsciously imitate the behavior we see every day.   Far less certain,however,is how successfully experts and bureaucrats can select our peer groups and steer their activities in virtuous directions.It's like the teacher who breaks up the troublemakers in the back row by pairing them with better-behaved classmates.The tactic never really works.And that's the problem with a social cure engineered from the outside: in the real world.as in school,we insist on choosing our own friends.

  • Paragraph 5 shows that our imitation ofbehaviors__________.

  • A. is harmful to our networks of friends
    B. will mislead behavioral studies
    C. occurs without our realizing it
    D. can produce negative health habits

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]Which of the following does not make a good English teacher?
  • A. Following strictly the lesson plan.
    B. Considering students' needs and levels.
    C. Using very simple and clear instructions.
    D. Keeping on teaching reflection.

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  • A. 理智的压抑
    B. 合理的宣泄
    C. 幽默
    D. 升华

  • [单选题]根据学习的定义,下列属于学习现象的是( )。
  • A. 吃了酸的食物流唾液
    B. 望梅止渴
    C. 蜘蛛织网
    D. 儿童模仿电影中人物的行为

  • [单选题]京剧脸谱是一种内涵丰富的艺术表现形式,每个脸谱都有一种主色调以显示剧中人物的特征,如关羽脸谱的主色是红色的,曹操的是白色的,包拯的是黑色的……你认为"白脸"表示( )。
  • A. 忠勇正义
    B. 奸诈狡猾
    C. 凶猛残暴
    D. 刚直果敢

  • [多选题]材料:   初中二年级时,学校给我们换了一位数学老师。这位老师生活条件很好,几乎每天都换新衣服。可她对每节课的内容都不进行深入讲解,总是敷衍了事。我向她请教"奥校"作业题中的疑难问题时,她也经常借口推辞,不予回答。平时她不好好教学,可有时,她还会显摆一下自己的学识。在一次数学课上,她突然一反常态,给我们出了一道很难的应用题。经过很长时间的思考,我终于将这道难题做出来了。不一会儿,她改完作业,开始讲了。我认真听着,我做错了?不会错的啊,我在习题书上见到过类似的题。我盯着作业本上的红叉,委屈得快哭出来了。我拿着作业本去问老师,想让她承认我的是正确的。"老师,这道题应该是我这样做的,你看……"还没等我将理由说出来,她就高声对我说:"你是老师,还是我是老师?我吃过的盐比你吃过的米还多。怎么,好学生就能反驳老师?自己也不想想自己那点儿能耐,显什么显?"她将我的作业本狠狠地甩给我,作业本都摔裂了,还让我第二天叫家长来,我哭了,忍着委屈求了好半天,她才肯罢休。当时,同学们都嘲笑我的不智之举。那年的数学期末考试,卷子上的最后一道题正是这道题,为了证明我没错,我固执地写下了自己当初认为正确的答案。卷子是由教导处判的,卷上的红色大勾证明我对了,我是全班唯一一个做对这道题的,唯一一个!   问题:   请从教师职业道德的角度,评析该数学老师的教育行为。(14分)
  • A. 【参考答案】 材料中教师的行为违反了教师职业道德,需要我们引以为戒。 首先,教师的行为违反了"关爱学生"的职业道德。"关爱学生"强调教师要关心爱护全体学生,尊重学生人格,不讽刺、挖苦、歧视学生。材料中,当教师发现自己的答案错误时,不但没有及时改正,反而狠狠地批评侮辱学生,未尊重学生的人格,不利于学生学习积极性的提高。 其次,教师的行为违反了"爱岗敬业"的职业道德。"爱岗敬业"强调教师要勤恳敬业,对工作高度负责,认真备课上课,认真批改作业,认真辅导学生,不得敷衍塞责。材料中,该数学教师教育对教学敷衍了事,对学生向她请教的课外拓展题更是借口推辞,没有做到认真负责,勤恳敬业。 最后,教师的行为违反了"终身学习"的职业道德。"终身学习"强调教师要崇尚科学精神,树立终身学习理念,拓宽知识视野,更新知识结构。材料中,该数学教师面对自己判错的题目,没有及时改正和学习,这说明了她在教学上不思进取,没有做到严谨治学。 因此,作为教师,要遵守教师职业道德,尊重学生的人格,关心爱护学生,促进学生身心健康发展,勤恳敬业,严谨治学,促进学生全面发展。

  • [单选题]维果斯基的最近发展区是指( )。
  • A. 最新获得的能力
    B. 超出目前水平的能力
    C. 儿童现有发展水平与可能的发展水平之间的差异
    D. 需要在下一发展阶段掌握的能力

  • [单选题]关于考试焦虑症的处理,以下哪种说法是不正确的?( )
  • A. 考试焦虑症必要时可以心理治疗配合抗焦虑的药物来处理
    B. 学业压力和考试焦虑会形成恶性循环,令考试焦虑症越来越严重
    C. 考试焦虑症的形成原因主要是学生内部的压力,所以只要处理好学生的心态和观念就可以
    D. 系统脱敏法是治疗考试焦虑症的方法之一

  • [单选题]吹、拉、弹、唱属于( )。
  • A. 识记技能
    B. 心智技能
    C. 操作技能
    D. 认知技能

  • [单选题] New research has found that those who work 11 hour days or more increase their chance of a heart attack by two thirds. If you're about to embark on your usual 12-hour day at the office, you might want to pause a while-a few hours, actually. A study has found that those who spend more than 11 hours at work increase their chance of having a heart attack by two thirds. The team from University College London looked at more than 7,000 civil servants working in Whitehall over a period of 11 years and established how many hours they worked on average a day. They also collected information including the condition of their heart from medical records and health checks. Over the period, a total of 192 had suffered a heart attack. Then the study was published in the joumal Annals of Internal Medicine, reporting that those who worked more than 11 hours a day were 67 percent more likely to have one than those who had a "nine to five" job. Professor Mika Kivimki, who led the study, said:"We have shown that working long days is associated with a remarkable increase in risk of heart disease. Considering that including a measurement of working hours in a GP interview is so simple and useful, our research presents a strong case that it should become standard practice. This new information should help improve decisions regarding medication for heart disease." "It could also be a wake-up call for people who over-work themselves, especially if they already have other risk factors," Professor Kivimki added. Around 2.6 million Britons have heart disease, where the organ's blood supply is blocked by the build-up of fatty deposits in the coronary arteries (冠状动脉). It is the nation's biggest killer, claiming 101,000 lives in this country every year. Heart attacks occur when a coronary artery becomes completely blocked; if the blood supply is not restored, the section of the heart being supplied by the artery will die.
  • The Passage mainly discusses ________.

  • A. how does the heart attacks occur
    B. the experiment on heart disease
    C. more and more people are suffering from heart attack
    D. long time working increases the risk of heart disease

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