脑膜炎(meningitis)、陶渊明(tao yuan-ming)、有机磷杀虫药(organophosphorous pesticide)、脑血管(cerebrovascular)、潜伏期延长(prolonged latency)、现在完成时(present perfect)、《泊秦淮》、动作电位潜伏期、动作电位幅度(action potential amplitude)、《行路难》
A. 陶渊明《饮酒》(其五)
B. 李白《行路难》(其一)
C. 王维《山居秋暝》
D. 杜牧《泊秦淮》
[单选题]We had a long telephone________yesterday evening.
A. dialogue
B. conversation
C. talk
D. speech
[单选题]This is one of the most beautiful pictures of scenery that ________displayed here.
A. is
B. are
C. has been
D. have been
[单选题]Therefugees need many things, but _______, they need food and medicine.
A. at most
B. above all
C. after all
D. at thefirst
[多选题]意识障碍伴双侧瞳孔缩小,见于( )
A. 脑血管意外
B. 巴比妥类中毒
C. 有机磷杀虫药等中毒
D. 脑膜炎
E. 吗啡类中毒
[单选题]感受器的适应现象表现在持续刺激条件下( )
A. 动作电位发放频率变慢
B. 动作电位幅度(action potential amplitude)变小
C. 动作电位发放频率变慢,幅度变小
D. 动作电位潜伏期延长
E. 动作电位发放频率变快